what if clam is placed on LR with glue?


Hello, everyone!
I have a couple of maxima clams.
But he doesn't seem to like to stay at one spot.
So what if I place him with glue on live rock where there is a good light and reasonable current.
Thanks in advance.
Doesn't sound like a good idea to me, but I'm moving it to the clam forum for input from people who would know.



How would you like it if someone glued you to the chair :)

The clam prob knows what is best for itself....
Thanks for advice.
Mr. toptank
My lighting system has 2 * 150w metal halide with 2*40w actinic blue.
and my clam is 6month old in my 90gal reef tank.
all parameters are so good.
:eek2: Don't do it...resist the urge to do anything like that. It will almost certainly stress the clamm and may cause him to bleach out and die. I know it is tough to get them to attach sometimes but it can be done with time and patience.

I had a T. Maxima that I called, "Little Jumper". I couldn't get this guy to attach to anything for about 3 months. I had others I placed and they attached within the day! I finally was able to place this one in a position in which he finally decided to stay. I did have to use some other rock around him in order to keep him from jumping off the rock. You may want to try the same thing.
I was wondering the same thing. I have a 90 gal hex with a small snowflake eel. I wanted to get a T.Max but would have to keep him on top of a high column of rock work. I was worried about the eel knocking him off. Jean

If I remember correctly a 90 gal is 24" deep. Your MH are on the little weak side in my opinion for Maxima but if you place them up toward the top, they should do fine. On the other hand I know of people that got them under PC.

Just keep moving him around till you fine a spot he likes.
you may notice that at times your clams reposition themselves to receive the best lighting. if in nature a clam does not need to be glued on a rock then it would be pointless to do the same at home -- stopping your clam from getting what it wants.
These guys are right on the money please do not glue a clam! Maybe try to custom a piece of liverock to hold the clam.