what is everyones favorite clam?

Those are pretty much my favorites.... I like all clams! They all have a beauty unique to themselvs.
Well I am like JD.

1. Crocea ( Jewel Of The Sea )
2. Maxima
3. Exotic Squamosa's
3. Derasa ( IME Most Hardy)

JD, you have a vett? I have a 63 Split Window. Have you ever seen a chopped 29 Ford Street Rod with flames on the front. I sold that to a guy in Bastrop before leaving Texas. :)
clams are cool..

clams are cool..

.. but i like 'em big!
I like them all! But most of all I like the ones in my tanks!
Maximas, gigas, squamosas, derasas, and hippopus.
Its seriously hard to decide. If I had to rank them, I'd rank them like toptank, cept I would put maximas #1, even though I don't have a maxima but have a nice crocea.:D toptank, 63 split window? Sweet.:D
My favorite is the Maxima ... hardier than the Crocea in my opinion, and love how the mantle spreads out compared to the other clams.

Mtndewman you stole my goby.:D Nice clam. Oops, my goby has a blueish eye. Oh well. You still stole it.;)
I love squamosa's. I think it's just because most people like Maxima's and Crocea's. I really like the big scutes that the squamies get. I've seen some sweet deresa's too but they can be hard to find with good color. :D
Check out this Deresa... It's the prettiest one I've ever seen. Crocea's and Maxima's can be breathtaking, but the less common clams appeal to me for some reason. Toptank's Palau Squamosa is one of the prettiest clams I've ever seen. Make sure you see that one. There's a thread here somewhere showing it.
Barry, Yeah, I have '64 roadster stock condition with all numbers matching, just sitting in my garage with my collection of toys. I think have seen the Ford your referring to, sweet ride.. very nice but woldnt trade my Vette for it.... lol
As far as abslute favorite clam goes, its gotta be the Maxima, because like Mtndew, I like the mantle extention.... but for flouescence and color variation,,, I think the crocea runs a close second....
My favorite is Squamosa but I think it is only becuase thats the only clam I have ever had. but oh well I dont care. As soon as I get a shot I will show U he is nice and purple with nice neon green spots all over. He kinda looks like a wierd Maxima.