what is this?


New member
this.....stuff is in my buddies tank. anybody wanna take a shot on what this is?
are they "bad" for the tank besides they look like crap on the glass. if so what is the best way to get rid of them.
No they aren't bad. they are filter feeders and about the only way to get rid of them is to scrape them off. Is the tank acrylic or glass?
I have them all over my tank. Especially the back glass (which I never clean) and the standpipes. They are on the snails, in the rock...all over.

I use a credit card when they are on the glass. Not much I can do if they are on the rock.

the tank is a 10gal glass tank. so i should tell him to just srape them off and keep going on with his tank?
Yeah, since they are harmless, tell him to scrape away since starting over isn't going to fix anything.