What is your favorite Angel?


Premium Member
I currently have small scribbled angel in my 135, doing well, and would like to add either a majestic or imperator angel, or both. Any suggestions on this combo, or other good angels for a FOWLR, type tank.
My favorite angel is the regal angel. My 3" regal angel is kept with a 2" goldflake (goldspangled) angel, a 2" flame angel, 2 1" neon gobies, and 2 1" redhead gobies. I have not had any problems with aggression in my tank since the regal and goldflake angels were added to the tank at the same time.
The blue faced is my favorite angel, closely followed by the Emperor. My favorite pygmy is the Potter's angel. My girlfriends favorite angel is the Queen Angel.
ooh. goldflake angels. they're one of my favs. i also like the potter's and the watanabe angel.
I vote for the regal angel also. Best if you can get one that's already eating prepared foods, though. They will sometimes starve to death. . .


I hope you don't have those Angels in a 20 gallon tank. I am figureing that the 20 is your reef tank and you have a bigger fish tank. What LFS do you go to? I am in SD too.
By far it's the Emperor. Mine is at the begining stages of the adult tranformation. The yellow stripes are begining to show.
My vote goes out to the Maculosis angel. They're juvi and adult colors are absolutely stunning, they are availiable captive raised/bred, will eat well, stay smaller than most larger angels, acclimate well, live long, are inexpensive (for angels), and are very durable for an angel. I'd get a juvi and watch it transform!
I'll add my vote for the Regal angel, particularly the Red Sea/Indian Ocean color form. I've had one for 2 1/2 years in my 180 gal reef aquarium. My favorite fish! I would add that they are difficult but not impossible to get to feed.

The Queen angel is gorgeous too. As is the Blueface, Emperor, Conspicuous, Bluelined, Koran, Flame, Lemonpeel, etc....
EEUUWWW, yuk, maculosis angels are gross. Why get a mac when you can get an asfur which is umpteen times the fish a mac is? There are right next to cortez and old wife angels but we are talking about pretty angels here, not yukky ones.

I have a flagfin that I really love. Just looking at one, you wouldn't think they are thaqt nice but mine is so bright and it has bright blue lips and a hint of blue eyeliner. Conspics, like my avatar, are the sweetest but they are almost a grand these days.

I think you should go with an emperor because IMO they are alot more assertive then Navarchus angels, this can backfire sometimes as they can be aggressive.