Can you add another VHO tube or two? I would guess that lighting would be borderline for any clam. I have a baby Maxima under 285W VHO in my 38G. I put him in a small bowl to feed him phytoplankton every other day. He seems to be doing well with that but I know he'll need more light as he grows and depends more heavily on light than phyto. I'm setting up a 72G tank with MH's to move him into.
That being said, I believe squamosa's require the least light (although they still need lots), but my VERY limited experience would indicate that squam's can be a bit more tempramental than other Clams. Toptank thinks that Deresa's are the hardiest, and I have a great deal of respect for his opinions. I strongly encourage you to do more research and arrange your tank to accomodate clams. They are SUPER COOL! l:thumbsup: I plan to setup my next tank specifically to accomodate clams, everything else will be secondary.
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