What Kind Of Clam?


New member
Okay, I didn't get my clam a few days ago, but still want to get one. I think I will next time I get paid, but what kind? I know to get one that is over 2 inches so that I don't have to feed it so much. I do feed the tank DT's. Is one kind easier than others to take care of? I really like the ones that have pink centers with blue on the outside, like the one in the lower right corner of the top picture on Jim Norriss website. What kind is that and would it be okay to start with? I obviously don't want to kill one.

Also, any tips on clam care would be nice.

My tank specs are in this thread:

But I just added 2 blastomussas and a carpenters wrasse
And where would be a good place to get one, since there aren't any good places around here unless our supplier gets lucky.
Clams are not all that difficult to keep if you can provide basic requirements.

Calcium levels 350 and above preferably 400 and up

zero nitrite

zero ammonia

a trace of nitrates maybe 5 ppm or less

proper lighting, halides are best but vho and power compacts are do-able if clam is kept high enough in tank

current should be medium to strong but not steadily pointed at the clam rotating currents are best

ph should be between 8.0 and 8.2

Stability is the key

Derasa's and Squamosa's are less demanding than Maxima's and Crocea's

Best of luck. Rob