what kind of snail is this?


New member
Small, about a centimeter long. The Shell looks a little bit flat, not rounded or cone like. Has a pretty big foot. I figure its a baby, but where you see one there is ussually at least 10 more you dont see.

here is a pic:

I love stomatellas, I've never seen ones like this one before, its my 'stealth stomatella'...harhar, actually, it sticks out quite a bit when its cruisin around. I saw a stomatella in my fuge yesterday blowing what looking like little eggs (if it was waste, I'm gonna be embarrased about how excited I got) up into the water column in many multiple 'burps'.
I never see them sold in stores. Does anyone know where you could buy them? They are great snails.
come on now $30 a pair....$40 if thats all you want...heck I'll start selling them at thoes prices...I gave a couple (maybe 4) to Eric to put in his 10 gal, and in two weeks there were at least 30-40 baby snails that I could see on the rock and glass.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7002192#post7002192 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dzovi
I never see them sold in stores. Does anyone know where you could buy them? They are great snails.

dont; buy those online for those prices...if you want some, i have several babies(these things are like rabbits!), I could give you say 5 or so. just send me pm and we can set something up.
well, I'm always in the mood for some Blondies Pizza, so, ya I suppose I could arrange a trip down to the bay, although it wont be for a month maybe, as I am very busy with getting licensed right now. But after I pass this test, I would have some free time to come down there, I could also make another trip into fremont for some good LFS shopping...hmmmmmmm, ya I think we can deffinitely work something out.
very cool! please let me know if you ever come down, I'll join you for some blondies too ;)

or if I ever head to sacramento I'll PM you!
are stomatella the ones with kind of a shell underneath some fleshy stuff? don't know how else to describe it... if so, there's a few giant black ones that hitchiked into capitol.