My blue's are very picky and turn grey in brighter light. They still grow fine, but loose their colour if I give them too much. Even in the bottom of my tank - direct light is too much. So they are in the sand, shaded from the hailides. They grow very quickly. I collected 4 and now have at least 40.
Currently I keep my greens in similar location. Though I used to have them a few inches from the surface in direct light. They grew faster there but I do not like them enough to give them such valuable real estate. In both places they never split on their own. They just keep growing and growing and growing. Some of them are more than 3" in diameter. I have tryed, but had no sucess fragging the green ones. The pieces I cut off, just slowly wither away. The blues and oranges seem to tolerate such fraging, but my greens do not.
My orange ones loose their orange colour in the bottom of my tank. I have to keep them at least half way up to keep them orange. These are solid orange ones, not the ones with the blue/green center that seem to be most common in the trade.
I'll post some pictires tonight....