What the heck is it?


New member
I distinctly recall not having added anything to my tank in months....but yesterday I discovered an unusual group of macroalgaes growing on my mushroom rock.

Doing a google search leads me to believe they are Valonia or their kissing cousins. Small, about 5mm in diameter. They are growing in a roughly circular pattern with a center one that is slightly larger, sort of like this:


Hope that turns out right. (ignore the periods, had to use them to space it right)

In any case, they look nice, but are growing rapidly.

Good, bad, ugly?
If they look like little green bubbles than valonia it likely is. People have gone insane trying to remove them. Sometimes they can take over a tank, so get em out while you can ;)
Some Tangs like the Chevron may eat them. Also a UV sterilizer may help in getting rid of the spores when the bubbles burst to release them. If you can reach them you can "suck" thir inside spores with a hypodermic shringe and then tweeze out the shells.

Another method is to tweeze them out while using a siphon to suck the liquid if they burst in the process.