What the Heck... My clam just Passed a...


Premium Member
Noticed about a week ago a green and white bolb in my clams in syphon. At first I thought a snail fell off the glass and the current pushed it inside the clam shell and eventually inside.

But over the last 7 days, it has grown.... I just got home and watched it expell this white and green ball. It is soft a slimey and pretty nasty looking.

Anyone know what just happened?

No, I wish I had as they would have made some great pics.

It was quite large compared to the size of th clam. It is a 3"-4" maxima and the "ball" was the size of a penny gumball. I pulled it out and decided to cut it open.

It was pretty hard, and grainy. It appeared to be a mass or tumor of the byssal threads. It also was stained with algae on one side which I suspect was the side once attached to rock and exposed to light.

My theory is that I have moved this clam several times in the last two years. I suspect these threads began to accumulate and eventually were shed or dislodged inside the clam.

BTW, the clam never looked better. Immediately after passing this mass it open wide and never more beautiful!
