Ditto to <b>ReefWreak</b>.
I agree with <b>pedromatic</b> that you want to attack the cause for the best success. Rinse your food in RO water before feeding, add a phosban reactor, use only RO/DI water for water changes, syphon detritus, clean nitrate factories like sponges, increase the flow in the tank with power heads, replace any old lights you have, make sure the tank isn't getting too much sunlight from a window.
My experiences with my CUC: I use a <b>lawnmower blenny</b> who does a pretty good job of getting slime algae off of the glass and rocks but ignores hair algae. My <b>scarlet reef hermits</b> and <b>blue legged hermits</b> don't seem to make a huge difference to the algae, but I do see them grazing. My <b>emerald mythrax crabs</b> are always picking all kinds of algae off the rocks. If they weren't slightly aggressive, I'd get more for the tank. My <b>Queen Conchs</b> and <b>astrea snails</b> eat algae off the glass but are so slow you'd need quite a few to make a big difference.