What to do ?


New member
My local LFS had a story wide sale today. I am buying some corals for my 12 G Nano Cube, when i spot a little clam 1" long or so "Maxima" i believe. I asked the one of the workers at the store if my tank and 24 W lighting would be okay for the clam, he said it would be okay. So i buy the little guy, BUT now that I get on RC it seems to me that i should have NOT bought the clam even it was only 20 bucks. i placed him about 6 inches from the lights but he still has not opened up. My water in my tank is fine.

So what should i do ??
a clam that size is not very dependent on lighting but you will need to fedd it some Live phytoplankton at least every other day and you should really do it in a seperate tank because as to give as much as you need will destablize the tank also how long has your tank been set up?

he is probably still acclimating, how did you acclimate him to your water? are you using RO?

probably was not the best choice for a first clam but i think with help from the site it will be ok

i am sure others with more experience will chime in though :)
your tank has not been up long enough to mature and properly keep a clam.

while a clam that small is mostly dependant on feeding from phytoplankton, they get a great deal of energy from the light as well. if it is a maxima, then you need to either take the clam back or get better lighting.

with your water being as you said "fine" the clam should have opened within a very short time.
