What to feed 3 tiny mantis shrimps?

I've done all the research and everywhere they refer to mantis shrimp about 2-6 inches in size. The largest of the three mantis shrimp that I have might be 1 cm long if that. Do I still feed them little chunks of fish and shrimp and squid (mini diet of the adults?) or do they need something different?

Thanks in advance
More like an elephant!!!!!!! Fish, shrimp, they eat a lot of different things but I'm not sure what there natural diet is. My guess is just about everything.
I feed mine crab and shrimp bites. The crab are quite small.
Princess_Penelope - are you sure those are mantis shrimp? What color are they? At 1 cm long, I'm betting those are amphipods. They are very commonly mistaken for "baby mantis" as they have some similar features.

S !
Nope..they're all definately mantis shrimp. They have the tell tale buggy eyes (greenish bluish colour)....and large basher claws (mottled red and white). And I have giant amphipods in there with them and they're definately not amphipods. My three mantis shrimp are living in three separate worm holes on a Xmas Worm Rock so that kinda gives you an idea of how small they are. And all there sit inside their hole but their eyes and claws and antannaes hang outside.

I fed them some prime reef last night, and one of them swiped at the stick that had the food.

So I'm 100% sure that they're mantis shrimp.
I meant you can feed them an elephant. j/k They will eat just about anything meatty you put in there.
Would it be possible to post a picture of your christmas tree worm rock with the mantis shrimp. I have a similar rock that has 8 small crustaceans that are living in the old christmas tree worm tubes. They have round eyes, antenna that almost look like feathers, and a huge claw. They are so small that I have been unable to identify them. Definitely not amphipods. Anyone have an idea?