What type of fish can you put with Mantis


New member
Hello yall. I am very interested in getting a Manits Shrimp, but am curious what else I can put with him. I am planing on settin up a Eclipse 12 with a deepsand bed and LR. Would I be able to put a small Lion Fish in there with him.

My other option is I have a 55g acrylic tank sitting in my spare bedroom that is empty. If I go this route I would like to have more than just a Mantis Shrimp.

Thanks in advance.
A lion fish would be a great lunch for a mantis!:D

A mantis should be in his own species tank. He'll eventually kill anything you put in with him!
Definetly would not work. A lionfish should never be kept in a tank that small. Even a dwarf lionfish should be housed in at least a 40g+ aquarium. Lionfish are predators, and like all predators, are messy eaters and create a lot of waste. This makes it very hard to keep, even an aquarium as small as a 40g clean, with stable water conditions. I have had a dwarf lion in my 40g and he was fun to watch hunt through the rockwork so I know why you would like one, but use a 40g+ aquarium and let the dwarf lion be one of 2-3 fish. Then you have the problem of finding 1 or 2 other fish for variety that don't get very large. I kept 2 domino damsel fish with mine and he never ate one, but if he did it was no loss to me as I catch them for free.
I think a 12 gallon would be fine for a mantis. When you keep them in a larger aquarium you see them less. I have 2 mantis in my 40g and hardly ever seen them. The ciliata in my 20g is a different story. I see him out hunting all the time. I set-up that tank with only 3 rocks, nice size, but not touching so he couldn't skirt around unseen all the time. I also keep 2-4 domino damsels in the 20g to liven up the tank and for my ciliata to spear. To keep the dominos alive I feed regularly with live brine shrimp to both of my tanks. Both the philippine mantis, a smasher, and the ciliata mantis, a spearer, love eating the live brine shrimp.
I hope this very long post helps a little and that you find a nice mantis to house in your 12g eclipse.
damsel killed after few weeks

damsel killed after few weeks


I have a gonodactylus chigara and he was with a blue damsel for over a month. Then just last week he was eaten!

As many people mentioned, if the mantis gets hungry, nothing will stay alive.
We have 2 blue damsels in our ten gallon with our mantis, they have lived together for a month and he hasn't gotten them yet.
i have had a pink skunk clown fish with my mantis for about 8 months now and all is well.
they both come out to eat the flake food i feed the clown and actually hang around the same rock together while eating it!
the clown will be moving to a new tank soon as i know its only a matter of time until BOOM! dead clown.
My mantis REALLY liked the 2 jawfish, 6-line wrasse -- I think his favorite was the perc. who was his biggest challenge as he slept in the water column. Though it's a hard call ... I know he thought the jawfish were tender and juicy...

Oh - wait a minute - this thread IS about feeding the mantis, isn't it????:eek2: