What's on my coral?


New member
Anyone know what's growing on my star polyps and is that the reason it's stopped opening? It's been closed for a few days and I noticed this stuff on it. Should I take it out and dip it?

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Manual removal - ie, you have to pull it out.

It's not a good sign because algae will often outcompete the coral it's growing on for light, space and nutrients, slowly killing the coral. If your coral is green star polyps, it's not quite as bad, because that stuff outcompetes EVERYTHING.

Manual removal - ie, you have to pull it out.

It's not a good sign because algae will often outcompete the coral it's growing on for light, space and nutrients, slowly killing the coral. If your coral is green star polyps, it's not quite as bad, because that stuff outcompetes EVERYTHING.

Cheers fella, hopefully if I clean it up the purple star will open up again.

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