Whats the going rate on maid service?


New member
Looking for a maid for weekly or bi-monthly cleanings.Wondering what to expect price wise and maybe a referal for one in the Coral Springs area.
Hey Robert,

Haven't seen you in a while.

I will ask around with some of my friends in CS. They may know somebody. I think Roggers rate is about right. It has been a while since we had a maid, but it was around that.
Robert I do have a very good one and she charges I believe $75-80 each time.
No english though
No French benefits j/k
I have a 3 br townhouse, mine is $50 for 2-3 hours worth of work every 2 weeks. I am sure its more for a larger house, plus we are pretty easy going, we just want the basics, not a full intense cleaning every other week.
Hey Rogger, and/or Manny....if your people would travel to North Miami to do some work. PM me thier numbers. I have one that does a good job, but it's does not hurt to upgrade.
lol...time to move.
Actually I will be mving in Feb so I guess I will wait.
Keep the person I have for now....
Thats why she went back to her country, she could not afford the cost of living cleaning huge houses at $10 an hour.... LMAO
LOL well I don't pay her that, my parents do. ;)

She is supposed to stay for 6 hours but usually rushes and gets out at about 4 hours. We also recommended her to many people and now she is booked for most of every week. Also when we get something new she takes the old so, I get a sony laptop, we give her our sony 2 yearold desktop. She makes out good if you ask me.

Guys if you have someone willing to work in Coral Springs send me their names and number. Wifes 8 months pregnant and Im slammed at the store and with my services and I could use the help.