What's wrong with my tang?


I got a blue tang about month ago. It got adjusted to my tank fairly quickly and started swimming around. Now, it's not as active and stays by the rocks like it did when it was first introduced. It looks like it has a parasite or something on it. What do you think? https://imgur.com/a/aJm7FLf
based on pics, tang doesn't look healthy. hard to tell if those are large white spots or salt like
Better start thinking about fresh water dips and antibiotics etc. remove and put in hospital tank if necessary. How are the other fish in the tank?

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The other fish all currently seem healthy. The tang didn't cooperate for the pictures, but it's other eye is glazed over.
It sounds like a bacterial infection but it could be parasitic and bacterial.
A QT/hospital tank w/ antibiotics would be good. Keep water quality as high as possible w/ WCs for a positive outcome. good luck