Where did all the LFS go?


Premium Member
Hi Everyone,
Ex-BARE member here, back in the City for the weekend. It's my first trip back that I have time to go shoppin' since way back when, and it appears that the LFS scene has changed some (heard that TP, UW & Nippon have closed).

I've won a little bit of cash back home last weekend and I'm looking for a cool fish to bring home with me on Monday (or coral, clam, whatever-- not too picky if it's nice).

Really looking for flame wrasses, Genicanthus angels, possibly even leopard wrasses (plus an couple SPS or Maximas :) ). Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Did do a search and found some store names (Aquascene, Atlantis, Octopus' Garden, Dolphin Pet), but unfortunately I don't have time to hit them all up on Monday. Went to Kings' Aquarium & T&T in SJ and AG today. Kings' had great prices on croceas, AG had nice aquacultured SPS and a beautiful, but pricey, Mystery Wrasse! Too bad AG's closed on Monday when I'm set to head back.

Is there one or two stores that anyone can recommend that would have what I'm looking for or would be worth checking out on Monday?

Thanks for helping out a disoriented reefer!


(also checking out that new store on Lombard, Aquatic Central, & the one on Balboa tomorrow).
Hey Jeff,

Glad you have time to visit us here. I haven't been looking around much lately but I only been seeing lots of Crocea in stores. I did see some baby Maxima at New Alameda. Steve from Everything Fishie bought New Alameda. It's the store that you bought the Purple Tang and Chromis from. He's also selling sps there. I would also checkout Great Bay and Atlantis. Great Bay have good prices on fish and his selection is always decent. Atlantis always seem to have the nice stuff and their prices are fair. I bought a Mystery from Great Bay during their Thanksgiving sale for like $85-90, I think. It was $100 normally which was already cheap. I sold my original one cause it was getting big and aggressive so the smaller one works out better for me.
Hey Jim,

Glad you're still around. Hope all is well.

They try to carry some sps. I'm not sure how well he did with it. He changed a lot of tanks out so I think it did change for the better. On one side of the coral setup, he added a couple of shallow tanks with DE lights and high flow. He also added a square sps tank but most of them looks brown to me. Dean, who works for Ivan, is very knowlegeble about fish, softies and LPS. I usually have pretty good luck with his fishes.

Jeff - Hope you found some nice stuff on your visit.

Hey Patrick,
Thanks for the response! Hope all is well. Sounds like you're a lot more into the hobby now than when we first met all those years ago. I'll email you, i'd like to see your tank pics!

I'll also try to convince Yvonne that Alameda is on the way to Vegas from Sunset. Steve is a cool cat, and i'd like to support him. does that mean that Everything Fishie is closed as well?

Went to the store on Lombard today, pretty nice set ups! their coral tanks have acrylic stands! very slick looking :) Store has lots of potential, SF needs a good store!

Jim-- have you moved out of the bay also? where are you now?

Thanks y'all... miss you guys!

Way out! I live in Tonga now. You can check out my works at imt.to
or reefstewards.org
which has a link to my latest article.
Thx for the reminder to add a location to my profile!
Hey Jeff, did you hit the progressive in Vegas? How's the new house? Looks like you timed your purchase perfectly.

Patrick has a killer tank now. You may have seen it when it was owned by ROAB in SSF. Pics of mine are on www.pbase.com/jimsar.

Regards to Yvonne -
No progressives... yet! just win a bit here and a bit there, hit a couple of parlays last fball season :)

House is good, tank is nothing special yet... working on making it into something i'm proud of. some old pics of it here: http://www.vegasreefers.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13. i think those pics are almost a year old now though.

i'll take a look at your pics, Jim's articles & email Patrick when I get back. I'm heading back to Vegas in a few minutes-- sorry to take the sunshine back w/ us :)

Thanks again, I hope to come back in time for a BAR meeting.
