Where to buy an electrical control panel


Active member

I was wondering if someone can tell me where I can purchase an electrical control panel in Orange County. The one that has individual switches in red. How much do they run for?

I'm getting tired of unplugging the wires when I need to do something.

Thank you
I went the guitar center route... love it...

couldn't you also use one of the power centers for computer systems? If so then Frys or any local computer center. Might be cheaper, but probably not as nice as guitar center
hmm....do they make something that is smaller, more like a powerstrip with individual switches?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6954324#post6954324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefguy714
group buy..........:lol:

we can do a group buy in orange county to save on some shipping.

I'm interested..................keep me informed!! :D