Where to place T. Crocea


Ancient Eskimo Legend
Staff member
RC Mod
Hi, I am going to be placing a Tridacna Crocea in my 120g tank. Lighting is 2 250w HQI and 2 110w VHO, where should I place the clam for best results, how should I go about acclimating the clam. thanks,

One of my crocea is about 11" under the HQI, the other about 5". Both are now doing very well.

I would recommend that you start them near the bottom of the tank. When I placed one of mine high up shortly after buying it (it was very colourful blue and green) it seemed to suffer some serious light damage with the mantle curling inwards and it shrinking inside the shell. After moving it down to 12" it made a full recovery and I have since moved it slowly upwards to the original spot I had planned for it.
Hey Simon, would I want to start low if the clams came from 400w metal halides? Or could I just place them where I want them? Thanks,

If they have already been acclimated to 400W light then place them where you want. Whenever I have purchased them they have been under flourescent and before that in shipping so have been a little delicate to immediate MH.
Hey Nanook, have you added the Crocea yet? Are you going to mail order it or buy locally? If you are going to buy locally call me and let me know where/when you are going and I will join you.

Hehe, good excuse for me to pick up another clam...but honey, Nanook was getting one:D

Hey Griss, no, I haven't added them yet. I haven't seen any here in St. Louis yet that look too good. Maybe we could head down to Andy's and see if he has any specimens. I have heard nothing but excellent remarks about Dr. Mac and Harbor Aquatics for clams.

LOL, "but honey, Nanook was getting one".

I used that similar logic on Ann the other night, "but babe, Gris has a 200 gallon tank":D

I can proceed with the big tank after the new year. Might have to break down the 120g to do it affordably though.

If I had a few extra clams, I would have bought one of those very nice looking Derasa clams. I need to buy a few other things first. Always too much to buy with this hobby.
