Whereabouts Reefdweller?


Premium Member
Im staying at the Marriott at O'Hare, and am going to Reefdweller
(Reefaholic) on N. Lincoln. Can anyone give me an idea what area
it's in. North, East or West. I'm sitting here with a CTA map
but haven't found N. Lincoln yet. I'm going in on the blue line.
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Thanks guys, I called Menard after looking at Google, so I could get my bearings, he gave me directions. It's kinda like Maine,
"can't get there from here". Happy ending, a colleague from the airport is going to pick me up at Jefferson Park.
Thanks again fellow reefers.
I just returned from Reefdweller (Menard). Scored some
great frags. I can't wait to get them back to Boston in the A.M..
Menard is great to deal with. Thank you guys.
Ray, thanks. I'm glad you like them. That Monti. Undata onece that baby takes off, becomes a masterpiece. Have a safe flight going back home. PEACE