Which Angel


New member
From past experiences, if you were going to add an angel to a 100 gal reef with leathers, zoos, rics, and shrooms, which angels would you consider? From what I've read it seems that the Coral Beauty and the Flameback seem to have the best overall feedback, but I'm looking for all your input on this one.
My flameback loved xenia and any related species of it. Thats all it bothered though. I left my lps,clams,zoa's, and sps alone.
I have had a Rusty, Flame, and a Coral Beauty that did very well. It is hit or miss with any dwarf angelfish but i would go with a Flame.
I've had coral beauty's in several tanks with no problems. Another angel that you may want to consider is the swallowtales. I've got a Wantanabie angle in my big reef and he's fine. Nice color as well.