Which carpet anemones make clarkii clowns black?


New member
i know for sure merten's carpet does through various sources, what about s. haddoni or other kinds, i was hoping to maybe get a green carpet and get black clowns from that anyone know?
Re: Which carpet anemones make clarkii clowns black?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6949682#post6949682 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarineTeng
i know for sure merten's carpet does through various sources, ......

I wouldn't bet my life on that info. Like a lot of other anemone info, once it appears in a book it becomes "fact" and is then repeated over and over in other books and articles. This originally appeared in the Fautin and Allen book. In one part of the book it says it happens, in another part it says it "may" happen.

As far as in know this hypothesis is based on limited observations in the wild. I have kept two chrysopterus clowns in mertens carpets and the clowns became lighter not darker. Another member of this list tried to darken a couple clowns species including clarki in his merten's with no success.

The same paragraph in the same book says that BTAs will lose their bubble tips in the absence of a clownfish and regain them when the clown is reintroduced. It is worded like there must have been some experimentation done and this is a fact. Yet as we all know though our own experiences, the presence of a clownfish in a bta has nothing to do with bubble tips one way or the other.

Many of the things we "know" about anemones are simply untested hypotheses that have been published. It would be nice if we had a few more host anemone experts that were out there doing research so there could be some more comparable data available.
ok thanks for the info, joyce wilkerson's clownfish book mentions the same claim but nothing about bubbles coming and going, it also only mentions clarkii's being affected by the anemone