Which clam?


New member
I was wondering if anyone could tell me which clam to buy,a T.Squamossa,T.Maxima,T.Solomon,or T.Crocea?I have a T.Deresa,that I have had for about a year and it's doing great.I wanted to move to the next level.Which is the easiest to take care of and where is a cheap,healthy place to buy one?

I have a 115g tank with 2 VHO compacts 96w,10000k dark blue combo and 3 fluorescents 40w
My suggestion is none. Your lighting is extremely insufficient for any Tridacnid clam.
Also, there is no such thing as T. solomon.
I would strongly advise an upgrade to metal halides to keep your current clam alive.
I have seen Derasas and Squamosa do fairly well under vho only, but not so little. Most of the vho systems I have seen keeping theses 2 types of clams alive and healthy were upwards of 440watts and more( even in most of theses cases the clams were up high on the rockwork ). Theres a big difference in keeping something alive, and a creature that is thriving in a closed system. To keep a Maxima, Crocea, Squamosa & Derasa thriving and growing in a healthy light enviroment I would have to agree with Firechild, you really need to upgrade your lighting.