Which Iodine to buy?


Premium Member
I want to start adding a little bit of iodine and see how there are so many different types and descriptions (bio-compatible, slow release, concentrate, etc.). Is there a significant difference on which type is appropriate for soft/ SPS corals/ various inverts? I read where some say they won't kill bacteria and others read how they have a slower release. Isn't iodine just iodine?

My idea is to get 1 iodine for dipping new corals: Kent Marine Lugol s Solution 1 oz. and get another type for adding as a dose: Kent Marine Super Iodine 8 oz.

Does this make sense or can I just get 1 bottle that serves both as a dip for new corals as well as a regular dosing?
Why do you want to dose iodine? It is rarely necessary. Do you have a test kit? Shouldn't dose anything you can't test.

Having said that. Lugol's iodine is Lugols iodine. Brand names aren't important.
I use Lugol's, Tech-I, and Seachem Iodide. I had a goldback xenia close up on me for 2 days, since I decided to see what happens if I cut back on my Iodine/Iodide regimen. After the 2nd day, I knew I had to do something because this has never happened before, so I dipped it in 1/2 cup of water w/ 6 drops of Lugols for 30 seconds. It opened back up the next day and has looked normal ever since and I'm back on my regimen. That's the conclusion of my testing.
Anthony Calfo is a big proponent (sp?) for Iodine, go over to his old stomping ground at All Things Salty (look in the drop down list below). He discusses advantages, disadvantages and myths (more myths than anything else). He also makes a few recomendations on which brands he prefers, but you will have to look through the article index as I do not remember the specifics.
