Which storage containers are safe for RO water


New member
I cannot remember which containers are safe to hold my RO water. I do believe Rubbermaid Brute containers are labeled food safe but I do not want such a large container cluttering my laundry room. Anyone have suggestions for me? Thank you in advance!
I use a a smaller brute container, not the big 55 gal. I also use a 20 gallon conter to mix my salt in.
I use the brute now. I learned from my mistakes when I had used a chepaer quality barrell and had it buckle and spill 40 gallons of RO all over my kitchen.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6916223#post6916223 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andy O
I use the brute now. I learned from my mistakes when I had used a chepaer quality barrell and had it buckle and spill 40 gallons of RO all over my kitchen.

hmmm, i'm using a cheaper quality can. i hope i don't get 40g all over.
im using the mid sized brute container. its now sitting in my bedroom :D ( live in an apartment) i have always used rubbermaid trash cans with great results.
I am using the Brute 32G trash can, on the wheeled dolly so that I can move it around when needed. Very easy to roll 250 lbs worth of water vs drag it across the floor.