Who has a pic of a Blue/Green Squamosa


New member
I would like to buy a blue clam and I can't afford a maxima, and I was wondering what the blue/green variety of the squamosa look like. could someone please post a pic. Thanks.

Sory but since they are rare you will have a hard time finding one and it may end up costing more than a maxima.
Very nice squamosa acroporas! My blue squamosa is only half as nice as yours. It has the same outside pattern, but with a gold center. I didn't think a solid one existed. Looks like I'll continue my search for one like yours and trade in my current one.

stopthemad, like acroporas mentioned blue squamosa's are pretty rare and pricey. It took the pet store three months to find mine (I just bought mine 3 days ago) and it's not nearly as nice as acroporas. It cost me three times more than the blue maximas and croceas I own. However, the green ones are pretty common and they are fairly inexpensive. I have a pic of one in my gallery and they are green from the side and from the top.

Happy hunting:)
How about that, I was going to ask the same question as I can get them quite easy down here, they look good so I,m going for a blue one to make my purple one look good together.
I seem to be able to get squamosa easyer than maximas so to me they look just as good in some cases.
good luck with yours.
Cisco, there are purple ones? I'd love to see pictures of your squamosas.

I wonder how many natural colors exist for squamosas. The most unique (at least in Texas) patterned squamosa I have is yellow with blue dots. I suspect that it is a cross with a derasa or gigas.
I NEED more photos of that clam Acroporas!

Anyone know any info RE the availability of such 'morphs'? Id relly like to get my hands on something similar:D

Absolutely amazing blue squamosa! I didn't know the existed.

I had my squamosa for 9 years until he grew too large for my 55 gallon tank, so I gave him to a friend.

I'd *love* to start over again, but with a blue one this time.
Very very nice. I need one. It's a good thing that I probably won't find one - as there is no more room for clam in my tank. :)

Thanks for sharing.
i did put the question here and its a toss up, it was sold to me by the diver as a squamossa, and the shell looks quite like it. so I,m still in 50-50 for what it is.
when I get the blue one in a few weeks i will be abel to compare the shells and see.
Originally posted by DT's_Reef
Does anyone know where you can get a blue squamosa? (Online).


considering this question was asked 3 1/2 years ago and no one has answered it, i think its safe to say they are rarely for sale and most likely if you do see one for sale it will already be sold by the time you get back from getting that "home equity loan" needed to buy it
I found a weird green squammie at my LFS for 45 and snapped it up about 5 months ago. I'll post a pic if I can find my image resizer.