who has pipe fish in their reef ??????


New member
i was just wondering how many people have pipefish in thier reef

if you do please post a pic what size tank and what you feed it.

thank you
the only pipefish that I know that's successfully kept in a reef is the Jans pipefish. I know about 4 people in my area that have them in their reefs. ou have to first get them to eat frozen but after that they should tend for themselves.
nope, my blue strip only is out at night when the wavebox is off and the streams are at 30%, the Multi is out all the time and moves all over the tank
I have three small pipefish in my 110 gallon reef tank. These are wild pipefish I've pulled out of the grass beds in the Gulf of Mexico along with dozens of small glass shrimp. (It's allowed). I feed Cyclopeeze once a day. The pipefish chases the shrimp around. Fun to watch!