who has the biggest gigas clam?


Hi All,
I FINALLY got a gigas clam! Woo hoo!
As it turns out, someone just broke
their tank down and brought all the stuff into
my lfs, and I just so happened to pop by a few
days afterward. It's about 10".
Just curious to see if anyone out there has really
big gigas clams and if so, post the pics!!!


PS: I'm always looking for gigas, so if anyone out there has one, or has seen one for sale, you know who to email :)
Sean aka "clam man" has a gigas that's pushing two feet!!
He's moving to Ca and sold off everything except the clam, it's moving with him:)

small world...
dont know who's it was to begin with, but
it's mine until it gets too big (read, forever).

Hey, I saw that clam at The Hidden Reef too! Very nice BTW! Wish I had the room for it
I got a T. gigas that my wife got for me as Christmas present Dec. 1998. He was shy of 2 inches at the time. Now a few years later, he is pushing 14 inches.
I moved him from Seattle, Washington to Corpus Christi, Texas. He spend 6 months in Eric Borneman's tank while I got my tank set up. I got a more famous T. gigas than your. nah nah na na nah!!!!!
The T.gigas in question started out, I'm pretty sure, at FFE and it's first owner was Apollo on AL. It was then purchased from him by VC111. After it got a bit wieldy for VC's tank, HFF got it. Now you. Take good care of it, it has been around quite a while.

My new Giga

My new Giga

My wonderful girlfriend just brought home a approximately 18 inch Giga for our reef last night. She is purple with green circles. From Aquatic Visions in NJ.
Any advice on keeping would be helpful, beyond normal reef keeping (I have hard corals etc. growing well).
Mine is between 14 and 18 inches. I haven't measured it lately. It was bought by a local at 2" and he had it for 5 years before I got it. I've had it about 1 year now.

Here is my new Giga. This is only her 2nd full day in the tank. Lighting is 4x110W VHO, 110 gallon tank (48x18x30).
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Dug-Qv4tfl0SqvK_WxAwgw?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XXHxgvzp2b0/TJrCBx78XcI/AAAAAAAAAYs/7SHNRnwLtrc/s800/DSC09007.jpg" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/NCEODvFujYPHLg9op3s74w?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XXHxgvzp2b0/TJrCBONfyCI/AAAAAAAAAYo/EmwaVWeUlIg/s800/DSC09013.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/MjKF1lQPXKCkzr1_-tAslg?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XXHxgvzp2b0/TJrCAVI2aOI/AAAAAAAAAYk/HX8CYuhTUpM/s800/DSC09010.jpg" /></a>
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Here she is:

