Who is Randy and what is the Reef Chemistry Forum?

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Randy Holmes-Farley

Reef Chemist
Premium Member
Welcome to the Reef Chemistry Forum!

My name is Randy Holmes-Farley and I'm one of the chemistry moderators of the Reef Chemistry Forum here at reef Central. In addition to having had a reef tank for more than 10 years, I am also a professional chemist. I have pasted a copy of my resume in some of the subsequent posts in this thread so that you can have some idea of my background before you decide whether I am adequately prepared to answer your chemistry questions.

At the end of this post is a link to a picture of me so that you can have something close to accurate in mind when you think of me discussing something:

This forum was set up several years ago to provide a place for any discussions related to chemistry, especially as it relates to marine aquaria.

Any questions or observations are welcome. No matter how simple or complicated it may seem, it is welcome. I will respond to any question posted here, even if the answer is "I don't know".

There are also many regular contributors to this forum that are themselves experts in chemistry, and they too provide many useful answers to questions, as well as providing stimulating debate. Their input is most especially valued in those many areas where no clear cut answer is known (e.g., what effect do organics have on the iodine cycle).

In my opinion, scientific debates make the forum more interesting than it otherwise might be, and provide learning experiences for us all. So if you disagree with something that anyone has posted, or just have a different take on some issue, feel free to chime in with a different opinion!:)

Forgive me in advance if my answers sometimes seem too complicated for your taste. Likewise, please understand if they seem too simplistic. Given the range of chemistry abilities of forum readers, from zero chemistry understanding to people with PhDs is chemistry, it is sometimes hard for me to know how much detail the questioner is really interested in. In most cases, I'll probably provide more than you think you want. :D

Happy Reefing!

Here's a picture of me from Feb 2004:

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Arlington, Massachusetts


1982-1986 Harvard University Cambridge, MA
PhD in Chemistry
Research Advisor: George Whitesides

Investigated the relationship between polymer surface chemistry and physical properties through controlled surface modification and testing.

1980-1982 Cornell University Ithaca, NY
BA in Chemistry and Biology
Graduated Summa Cum Laude
Distinction in All Subjects
Grade Point: 3.94/4.0
Honors research: isolation and characterization of the epsilon subunit of CF1 enzyme

1978-1979 Stanford University Palo Alto, CA
Grade Point: 3.55/4.0


1992ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ present Genzyme Drug Disvcovery and Development Waltham, MA
(bought out GelTex Pharmaceuticals in 2001)
Vice President and Distinguished Scientific Fellow 2006-present
Vice President, Chemical Research 2001-2006
Senior Director, Chemical Research 1999-2001
Director of Chemical Research 1997-1999
Manager of Chemical Research 1995-1997
Group Leader 1994-1995
Senior Research Scientist 1992-1994

Helped start GelTex as second employee
Managed various research programs with multi-million dollar budgets
Supervised research chemists (17+)
Co-inventor of several polymeric pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical candidates including Sevelamer Hydrochloride (FDA approved) and Colesevelam Hydrochloride (FDA approved)
Company Safety Officer for 3 years
Chemical Hygiene Officer 2000-present

1990-1992 GTE Corporation Waltham, MA
Senior Member of Technical Staff
Applied research involving polymer interfaces
Metallization of plastics
Polymer/polymer adhesion
Optical coatings

1986-1990 Lord Corporation Cary, NC
Senior Research Scientist 1988-1990
Research Scientist 1986-1988
Basic and applied research on surface chemical bonding
Developed new adhesive compositions
Developed new sol-gel coatings for corrosion resistance


Amercian Chemical Society Team Innovation Award 2005
Industrial Innovations Award by Northeast Region of American Chemical Society (6/2001)
National Kidney Foundation of Northern California Honoree (5/2001)
American Chemical Society/Polymer Chemistry Division Industrial Sponsors Award (8/2000)
R&D 100 Award from R&D magazine (1999)
Sherwin Williams Award in applied polymer science (9/85)
IBM Predoctoral Fellowship in Polymer Science (1984-1985; 1985-1986)
Award for highest GPA in Chemistry Department (6/82)
Summa Cum Laude Honors in Chemistry (6/82)
Phi Lamda Epsilon (6/82)
Phi Beta Kappa (2/82)
Cornell University Dean's List (1981, 1982)
Harvard Book Club Award for highest GPA senior year (1978)
First Place in western NY ACS high school chemistry exam (1977)
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1. Fat-binding polymers Holmes-Farley; Stephen Randall US 7,049,345 May 23, 2006.

2. Aryl boronic acids for treating obesity Holmes-Farley; Stephen Randall; Mandeville, III; W. Harry; Dhal; Pradeep K.; Huval; Chad Cori; Li; Xinhua US 7,049,345 May 23, 2006.

3. Fat-binding polymers Jozefiak; Thomas; Holmes-Farley; Stephen Randall; Mandeville, III; W. Harry; Huval; Chad Cori; Garigapati; Venkata R.; Shackett; Keith K.; Concagh; Danny US 7,048,917 May 23, 2006.

4. Aryl boronate functionalized polymers for treating obesity Holmes-Farley; Stephen Randall; Mandeville, III; W. Harry; Dhal; Pradeep K.; Huval; Chad Cori ; Li; Xinhua Polomoscanik; Steven Craig US 7,041,280 May 9, 2006.

5. Phosphate-binding polymers for oral administration Holmes-Farley; Stephen Randall; Manderville, III; W. Harry; Whitesides; George M. US 7,014,846 March 21, 2006.

6. Aryl boronic acids for treating obesity Holmes-Farley; Stephen Randall; Mandeville, III; W. Harry; Dhal; Pradeep K.; Huval; Chad Cori; Li; Xinhua US 6,858,592 February 22, 2005.

7. Method of making phosphate-binding polymers for oral administration. Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Whitesides; George M. US 6,858,203; 2/22/2005.

8. Process for removing bile salts from a patient and alkylated compositions therefore. Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall. US 6,784,254; 8/31/2004.

9. Ionic polymers as anti-infective agents. Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Neenan, Thomas X.; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall. US 6,767,549; 7/27/2004.

10. Fat-binding polymers; Jozefiak, Thomas; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Huval, Chad Cori; Garigapati, Venkata R.; Shackett, Keith K.; Concagh, Danny. US 6,726,906; 4/27/2004.

11. Poly (diallylamines)-based phosphate binders; Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall. US 6,726,905; 4/27/2004.

12. Poly(diallylamine)-based bile acid sequestrants. Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Dhal, Pradeep K.; Petersen, John S. US 6,610,283; 8/26/2003.

13. Iron-binding polymers for oral administration. Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall. US 6,605,270; 8/12/2003.
14. Ionic polymers as anti-infective agents. Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Neenan, Thomas X.; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall. US 6,593,366; 7/15/2003.
15. Method for reducing oxalate. Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Mandeville, III; W. Harry. US 6,566,407; 5/20/2003

16. Polyether-based bile acid sequestrants. Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Huval, Chad Cori. U.S. 6,517,825; 2/11/2003.

17. Method of making phosphate-binding polymers for oral administration. Holmes-Farley, Stephen R.; Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Whitesides; George M. U.S. 6,509,013; 1/21/2003.

18. Combination therapy for treating hypercholesterolemia using a bile acid sequestrant polymer and a cholesterol-lowering agent. Huval, Chad Cori; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Petersen, John S.; Dhal, Pradeep K. U.S. 6,433,026; 8/13/2002.

19. Method for treating hypercholesterolemia with polyallylamine polymers. Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Burke, Steven K.; Goldberg, Dennis I. , US 6,423,754; 7/23/2002.

20. Ionic polymers as anti-infective agents Mandeville, W. Harry, III; Neenan, Thomas X..; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall;, US 6,395,777; 5/28/2002.

21. Combination therapy for treating hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. Huval, Chad Cori; Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Petersen, John S.; Dhal, Pradeep K. U.S. 6,365,186; 4/2/2002.

22. Fat binding polymers. Jozefiak, T.; Holmes-Farley; S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III; Huval; C. C.; Garigapati, V. R.; Shackett, K. K.; Concagh, D, US 6,299,868; 10/9/2001.

23. Polymers containing guanidinium groups as bile acid sequestrants. Dhal; P. K.; Holmes-Farley; S. R.; Petersen; J. S. US 6,294,163; 9/25/2001

24. Method for reducing oxalate. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III.; US 6,281,252; 8/28/2001.

25. Combination therapy for treating hypercholestrolemia. Huval; C. C.; Holmes-Farley; S. R. ; Petersen; J. S.; Dhal; P. K. ; US 6,264,938; 7/24/2001.

26. Fat-binding polymers. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Whitesides, G. M.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 6,264,937; 7/24/2001.

27. Method for treating hypercholesterolemia with unsubstituted polydiallylamine polymers. Huval; C. C.; Holmes-Farley; S. R. ; Petersen; J. S.; Dhal; P. K. ; US 6,248,318; 6/19/2001.

28. Process for removing bile salts from a patient and alkylated compositions therefore. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 6,225,355; 5/1/2001.

29. Poly(diallylamine)-based bile acid sequestrants. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Dhal, P. K.; Petersen, J. S.; US 6,203,785; 3/20/2001.

30. Polyether-Based Bile Acid Sequestrants. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Huval, C. C.; US 6,190,649; 2/20/2001.

31. Method for reducing oxalate. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III.; US 6,177,478; 1/23/2001.

32. Water-insoluble noncrosslinked bile acid sequestrants. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III.; US 6,129,910; 10/10/2000.

33. Method for treating hypercholesterolemia with unsubstituted polydiallylamine polymers. Huval; C. C.; Holmes-Farley; S. R. ; Petersen; J. S.; Dhal; P. K. ; US 6,083,497; 7/4/2000.

34. Method of making phosphate-binding polymers for oral administration. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III.; ; Whitesides, G. M. ; US 6,083,495; 7/4/2000.

35. Process for removing bile salts from a patient and alkylated compositions therefore. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 6,066,678; 5/23/2000.

36. Process for removing bile salts from a patient and compositions therefor. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 6,060,517; 5/9/2000.

37. Ionic polymers as anti-infective agents. Mandeville, III; W. H; Neenan; T. X.; Holmes-Farley; S. R. US 6,034,129; 3/7/2000.

38. Method for reducing oxalate. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III.; US 5,985,938; 11/16/99.

39. Process for removing bile salts from a patient and compositions therefor. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,981,693; 11/9/99.

40. Hydrophobic sequestrant for cholesterol depletion. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley; S. R.; Petersen; J. S.. US 5,969,090; 10/19/99.

41. Hydrophilic nonamine-containing and amine-containing copolymers and their use as bile acid sequestrants. Holmes-Farley; S. R.; Petersen; J. S.. US 5,929,184; 7/27/99.

42. Interpenetrating polymer networks for sequestration of bile acids. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Neenan; T. X.; Whitesides; G. M. US 5,925,379; 7/20/99.

43. Amine polymer sequestrant and method of cholesterol depletion. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,919,832; 7/6/99.

44. Process for removing bile salts from a patient and compositions therefor. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,917,007; 6/29/99.

45. Polyamine salt hydrophobic sequestrant for cholesterol depletion. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Petersen, J. S.; US 5,900,475; 5/4/99.

46. Process for removing bile salts from a patient and compositions therefor. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,840,766; 11/24/98.

47. Preparation of polymeric sequestrants for bile acid salts. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,703,188; 12/30/97.

48. Oral administration of iron-binding crosslinked amine polymers. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,702,696; 12/30/97.

49. Alkylated amine polymers. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,693,675; 12/2/97.

50. Method for removing bile salts from a patient with alkylated crosslinked amine polymers, and preparation of the polymers. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,679,717; 10/21/97.

51. Phosphate-binding polymers for oral administration. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III.; US 5,667,775; 9/16/97.

52. Ion-exchange process using highly crosslinked polymers for removing bile salts from a patient, preparation of the polymers, and compositions containing them. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,624,963; 4/29/97.

53. Hydrophobic amine polymer sequestrant and method of cholesterol depletion. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Petersen, J. S.; US 5,618,530; 4/8/97.

54. Amine polymer sequestrant and method of cholesterol depletion. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,607,669; 3/4/97.

55. Phosphate-binding polymers for oral administration. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III.; US 5,496,545; 3/5/96.

56. Iron-binding polymers for oral administration. Mandeville, W. H., III.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,487,888; 1/30/96.

57. Ultra-thin, uniform sol-gel coating of a substrate having active hydrogens on the surface. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Yanyo, L. C.; US 5,175,027; 12/29/92.

58. Layered sol-gel coatings from organisilicon compounds. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Yanyo, L. C.; US 5,182,143; 1/26/93.

59. Method for metal bonding using ultrathin primer coating. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Yanyo, L. C.; Thuer, A. M.; US 5,139,601; 8/18/92.

60. Acrylic adhesive compositions. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Abbey, K. J.; US 5,096,962; 3/17/92.

61. Modified halogenatedpolyolefin adhesives for polyolefin elastomer-metal bonding. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; US 5,102,956; 4/7/92.


1. Method for reducing copper levels and treating copper toxicosis. Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall. (Geltex Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USA). PCT Int. Appl. (2002), 45 pp. WO 0285383.

2. Method for treating gout and binding uric acid. Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Burke, Steven K. WO 0285381 10/31/2002.

3. Method for treating gout and reducing serum uric acid. Holmes-Farley, Stephen Randall; Burke, Steven K WO 0285380 10/31/2002.

4. Amine condensation polymer bile acid sequestrants. Huval, C. C.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Whitesides, G. M. WO 1999-US30469; 7/6/2000.

5. Continuous crosslinking of polymer gels. Mandeville, W. H., III and Holmes-Farley, S. R.; WO 1999-US5662; 9/23/1999.

6. Amine-containing copolymers as bile acid sequestrants. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Petersen, J. S.; WO 9933452; 7/8/1999.

7. Polydiallylamine-based phosphate binders. Mandeville, W. H., III and Holmes-Farley, S. R.; WO 9922743; 5/14/1999.

8. Polyallylamine polymers for removing bile salts and treating hypercholesterolemia, and polymer preparation. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III; Burke, S. K.; Goldberg, D. I.; WO 9857652; 12/23/98.

9. Phosphate-bidning polymers combined with a calcium supplement for oral administration. Goldberg, D. I.; Burke, S. K.; Mandeville, W. H., III; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; WO 9842355; 10/1/98.

10. Hydrophobic heteroatom-containing sequestrant for cholesterol depletion. Mandeville, W. H., III; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Petersen, J. S.; WO 9639449; 12/12/96.

11. Process for adjusting ion concentration in a patient and compositions therefor. Mandeville, W. H., III; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; WO 9427619; 12/8/94.

12. Vacuum-deposited silver on polycarbonate with a chromium interlayer for improved metal-substrate adhesion. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Ger. Offen. 4322512; 1/20/94.

13. Process for increased metal-substrate bond strength in metalized plastics. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Ger. Offen. 4322516; 7/6/93.

14. Electrorheological fluids and preparation of particles useful in the fluids. Troughton, Barritt E., Jr.; Duclos, Theodore G.; Thuer, Anna Marie; Carlson, J. David; Bares, Joseph E.; Yanyo, Lynn C.; Farley, Stephen Randall Holmes; Acker, Debra Nell. EP 394049; 10/24/1990.


1. Hydroxamic acid-containing hydrogels for nonabsorbed iron chelation therapy: synthesis, characterization, and biological evaluation. Polomoscanik, Steven C.; Cannon, C. Pat; Neenan, Thomas X.; Holmes-Farley, S. Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry; Dhal, Pradeep K. Drug Discovery and Development, Genzyme Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA. Biomacromolecules (2005), 6(6), 2946-2953. Publisher: American Chemical Society.

2. Functional Polymers as Human Therapeutic Agents. Dhal, Pradeep K.; Huval, Chad C.; Holmes-Farley, S. Randall. Drug Discovery and Development, Genzyme Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2005), 44(23), 8593-8604. Publisher: American Chemical Society.

3. Design and synthesis of potent small molecule inhibitors of alpha-amylase. Li, Xinhua; Nijiar, Amarjit; Mishra, Abinash; Staveski, Mark; Asmussen, Gary; Booker, Michael; Burrier, Robert; Kloss, Alla; Holmes-Farley, Randy; Mandeville, Harry; Dhal, Pradeep. Drug Discovery and Development, Genzyme Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 22-26, 2004 (2004), MEDI-249.

4. Molecularly imprinted bile acid sequestrants: synthesis and biological studies. Huval, Chad C.; Chen, Xi; Holmes-Farley, S. Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry; Polomoscanik, Steven C.; Sacchiero, Robert J.; Dhal, Pradeep K. Drug Discovery and Development, Genzyme Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2004), Volume Date 2003, 787(Molecularly Imprinted Materials--2003), 85-90. Publisher: Materials Research Society.

5. Syntheses of hydrophobically modified cationic hydrogels by copolymerization of alkyl substituted diallylamine monomers and their use as bile acid sequestrants. Huval, Chad C.; Holmes-Farley, S. Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry; Sacchiero, Robert; Dhal, Pradeep K. Drug Discovery and Development, Genzyme Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA. European Polymer Journal (2004), 40(4), 693-701. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V.,

6. Ammonium and Guanidinium Functionalized Hydrogels as Bile Acid Sequestrants: Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Properties. Huval, Chad C.; Holmes-Farley, S. Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry; Petersen, John S.; Sacchiero, Robert J.; Maloney, Cynthia; Dhal, Pradeep K. Drug Discovery and Development, Genzyme Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Pure and Applied Chemistry (2004), A41(3), 231-244. Publisher: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

7. Bile acid binding to sevelamer HCl. Braunlin, William; Zhorov, Eugene; Guo, Amy; Apruzzese, William; Xu, Qiuwei; Hook, Patrick; Smisek, David L.; Mandeville, W. Harry; Holmes-Farley, S. Randall. Kidney International (2002), 62(2), 611-619.

8. Amine functionalized polyethers as bile acid sequestrants: synthesis and biological evaluation. Huval, Chad C.; Bailey, Matthew J.; Holmes-Farley, S. Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry; Miller-Gilmore, Karen; Sacchiero, Robert J.; Dhal, Pradeep K. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Pure and Applied Chemistry (2001), A38(12), 1559-1574.

9. Novel Cholesterol Lowering Polymeric Drugs Obtained by Molecular Imprinting. Huval, Chad C.; Bailey, Mathew J.; Braunlin, William H.; Holmes-Farley, S. Randall; Mandeville, W. Harry; Petersen, John S.; Polomoscanik, Steven C.; Sacchiro, Robert J.; Chen, Xi; Dhal, Pradeep K. Macromolecules (2001), 34(6), 1548-1550.

10. Synthetic polymers for the binding of fat in the intestinal tract. Jozefiak, Thomas H.; Mandeville, W. Harry; Holmes-Farley, S. Randy; Arbeeny, Cynthia; Huval, Chad C.; Sacchiero, Robert; Concagh, Danny; Yang, Kanwen; Maloney, Cynthia. Abstracts of Papers, 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, August 26-30, 2001 (2001), POLY-047 and Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry) (2001), 42(2), 98.

11. Colesevelam hydrochloride: Synthesis and testing of a novel polymer gel pharmaceutical. Holmes-Farley, S. R; Mandeville, W. H.; Miller, K. L.; Petersen, J.; Ward, J.; Sacchiero, B.; Maloney, C.; Brochu, S.; Rosenbaum, D.; Goldberg, D.; Norton, K. A.; Chen, X.; Mazzeo, J. R.. Polym. Preprints (2000), 41(1), 735-736.

12. In vitro comparison of bile acid binding to colesevelam HCl and other bile acid sequestrants. Braunliin, W.; Zhorov, E.; Smisek, D.; Guo, A.; Appruzese, W.; Xu, Q.; Hook, P.; Holmes-Farley, S. R; Mandeville, H. Polym. Preprints (2000), 41(1), 708-709.

13. Novel polymeric pharmaceuticals: From startup to market. Holmes-Farley, S. R; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng (1999), 80, 246-247.

14. Design and characterization of of Sevelamer Hydrochloride: a novel phosphate-binding pharmaceutical. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III; Ward, J.; Miller, K. L.; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng (1998), 79, 280-281 and also in J. M. S.- Pure and Appl. Chem., A36(7&8), p. 1085 (1999).

15. Three generations of bile acid sequestrants. Mandeville, W. H., III; Braunlin, W.; Dhal, P.; Guo, A.; Huval, C.; Miller, K. L.; Petersen, J.; Polomascanik, S.; Rosenbaum, D.; Sacchiero, R.; Ward, J.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (1999), 550, 3-15.

16. Effect of RenaGel, a non-absorbable, crosslinked, polymeric phosphate binder, on urinary phosphorous excretion in rats. Rosenbaum, D. P.; Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Mandeville, W. H., III; Pitruzzello, M. .; Goldberg, D. I..; Nephrol., Dial., Transplant. (1997), 12(5) 961-964.

17. Thin anisotropic coatings based on sol-gel technology. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Yanyo, L. C; Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (1990), 180 (Better Ceram. Chem. 4), 439-444.

18. The mechanism of cure initiation of a surface activated adhesive. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Minichelli, J. L.; J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. (1991), 5(5), 409-420.

19. Adhesion promotion and corrosion prevention using thin anisotropic coatings. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Yanyo, L. C.; J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. (1991), 5(2), 131-151.

20. Wetting of functionalized polyethylene having ionizable organic acids and bases at the polymer-water interface: relations between functional group polarity, extent of ionization, and contact angle with water. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Bain, C. D.; Whitesides, G. M.; Langmuir (1988), 4(4), 921-937.

21. Binding of phenols to aluminum oxide surfaces. 1. Phenols with a single hydroxy group. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Langmuir (1988), 4(3), 766-774.

22. Reconstruction of the interface of oxidatively functionalized polyethylene (PE-CO2H) and derivatives on heating. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Reamey, R. H.; Nuzzo, R.; McCarthy, T. J.; Whitesides, G. M.; Langmuir (1987), 3(5), 799-815. See also Report (1987), AD-A179590/5/GAR, Gov. Rep. Announce. Index (U. S.) 1987, 87(15).

23. Surface-modified polyethylene film: the relationship between surface chemistry and physical properties. Holmes-Farley, S. R; Diss. Abstr. Int. B 1987, 47(11), 4537.

24. Reactivity of carboxylic acid and ester groups in the functionalized interfacial region of ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œpolyethylene carboxylic acidââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ (PE-CO2H) and its derivatives: differentiation of the functional groups into shallow and deep subsets based on a comparison of contact angle and ATR-IR measurements. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Whitesides, G. M.; Langmuir (1987), 3(1), 62-76.

25. Fluorescence properties of dansyl groups covalently bonded tot he surface of oxidatively functionalized low-density polyethylene film. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Whitesides, G. M.; Langmuir (1986), 2(3), 266-281. See also Report (1985), TR-85-2; AD-A162435/2/GAR, Gov. Rep. Announce. Index (U. S.) 1986, 86(7).

26. Acid-base behavior of carboxylic acid groups covalently attached at the surface of polyethylene: The usefulness of contact angle in following the ionization of surface functionality. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Reamey, R. H.; McCarthy, T. J.; Deutch, J.; Whitesides, G. M.; Langmuir (1985), 1(6), 725-740.

27. The thermal stability of a surface modified solid organic polymer. Holmes-Farley, S. R.; Whitesides, G. M.; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. (1985), 53, 127-131.
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1. An Improved Do-it-Yourself Two-Part Calcium and Alkalinity Supplement System. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping February 2006.

2. Reef Chemistry Quiz. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping January 2006.

3. Hydrogen Sulfide and the Reef Aquarium. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping December 2005.

4. What is Seawater? Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping November 2005.

5. Water Changes in Reef Aquaria. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping October 2005.

6. The Units of Measure of Reefkeeping. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping August 2005.

7. What is that Precipitate in My Reef Aquarium? Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping July 2005.

8. Nitrite and the Reef Aquarium. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping June 2005.

9. Reverse Osmosis/Deionization Systems to Purify Tap Water for Reef Aquaria. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping May 2005.

10. Electronic Calcium Monitoring. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping April 2005.

11. High pH: Causes and Cures. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping March 2005.

12. A Comparison of pH Calibration Buffers. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping February 2005.

13. What Your Grandmother Never Told You About Lime. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping January 2005.

14. When Do Calcium and Alkalinity Demand Not Exactly Balance? Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping December 2004.

15. Iron Oxide Hydroxide (GFO) Phosphate Binders. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping November 2004.

16. Organic Compounds in the Reef Aquarium. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping October 2004.

17. Low pH: Causes and Cures. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping September 2004.

18. Sea Urchins: A Chemical Perspective. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping August 2004.

19. Temperature Corrections for Hydrometers. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping July 2004.

20. Reef Aquarium Salinity: Homemade Calibration Standards. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping June 2004.

21. Reef Aquarium Water Parameters. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping May 2004.

22. What is TDS? Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping April 2004.

23. A Homemade Two-Part Calcium and Alkalinity Additive System. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. April 2004.

24. Purity of Calcium Chloride. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. March 2004.

25. Measuring pH with a Meter. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. February 2004.

26. Tap Water In Reef Aquaria. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. January 2004.

27. Magnesium and Strontium in Limewater. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. December 2003.

28. ORP and the Reef Aquarium. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping December 2003.

29. Strontium and the Reef Aquarium. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. November 2003.

30. Chloramine and the Reef Aquarium. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. November 2003.

31. Magnesium in Reef Aquaria. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. October 2003.

32. The Salifert Boron Test Kit. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. September 2003.

33. Nitrate in the Reef Aquarium. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. August 2003.

34. Aluminum in the Reef Aquarium. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. July 2003.

35. The Seachem Borate Alkalinity Test Kit. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. June 2003.

36. The Self Purification of Limewater (Kalkwasser). Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist. May 2003.

37. The Degradation of Limewater in Air. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping May 2003.

38. Reef Aquaria with Low Soluble Metals. Holmes-Farley, R. Reefkeeping April 2003.

39. Iodine in Marine Aquaria: Part II Effects on Macroalgae Growth. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; April 2003.

40. Iodine in Marine Aquaria: Part II Effects on Macroalgae Growth. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; April 2003.

41. Iodine in Marine Aquaria: Part I. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; March 2003.

42. How to Select a Calcium and Alkalinity Supplementation Scheme. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; February 2003.

43. Silica in a Reef Tank. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; January 2003.

44. Boron in a Reef Tank. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; December 2002.

45. Solving Calcium and Alkalinity Problems. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; November 2002.

46. Iron: A Look at Organisms Other than Macroalgae. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; November 2002.

47. Phosphorus: Algae's Best Friend. Holmes-Farley, R.; Advanced Aquarist, September 2002.

48. Iron in a Reef Tank. Holmes-Farley, R.; Advanced Aquarist, August 2002.

49. Calcium and Alkalinity. Holmes-Farley, R.; Reefkeeping.com, April 2002.

50. Calcium Carbonate as a Supplement. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; July 2002

51. Solutions to pH Problems. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; June 2002.

52. The Relationship Between Alkalinity and pH. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist, May 2002.

53. The Chemical & Biochemical Mechanisms of Calcification in Corals. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist, April 2002.

54. Calcium. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; March 2002.

55. Alkalinity. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist; February 2002.

56. Specific Gravity. Holmes-Farley, R. Advanced Aquarist, January 2002.

57. The Complete Nitrogen Cycle. Holmes-Farley, R. Aquarium Frontiers 2000.

58. Magnesium: Calcium's little sister. Holmes-Farley, R. Aquarium Frontiers 2000.

59. Phosphateââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦.What is it and why should you care. Holmes-Farley, R. Aquarium Frontiers 2000.

60. Carbon Dioxide: Friend or Foe . Holmes-Farley, R. Aquarium Frontiers 2000.

61. Using Conductivity To Measure Salinity, R. Aquarium Frontiers 2000.

62. Understanding Seawater. Holmes-Farley, R. Aquarium Frontiers 1999.

63. Protein Skimming: How it Works. Fishnet Library 1998.
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