Why Are They Sought After?


New member
Well, I live over by Tampa Bay Saltwater in Tampa FL and they readily sell Mantis Shrimp for 10$. They can get you one anytime! I have read about these things being very expensive, and people seeking, and even desiring these nasty little buggers!! I have even thought about setting up a nano just to make some of you jealous! haha! Why are these little guys so sought after? I have read terrible and awful things about them- yet people still have that urge to keep them!!! It's just a little confusing, but as we're on the subject- I am considering a small 5 G Nano just to house one of these cool critters- so I can "join the club". Hey, at least I will always have an interesting dinner topic when guests come over :)
Why to own a mantis eh....?

Well I can tell you that they are most amazing and interesting creatures I have ever owned. While you cannot "hug" or "pet" a mantis shrimp, you can watch them dig tunnels, move rocks around, wipe out other creatures (if you are in to that), watch the mantis watch you.... interact with it socially and it will respond.... and the list goes on. When the friends and family come over they always gravitate towards the mantis tank..... and not the 3000.000 dollar reef tank!! LOL

Also they are pretty hardy, do not need special care, and are AWESOME!!!

Any other questions?? :)

Our 4" O. Scyllarus is now more like 6" and is a beautiful, colorful, awesome pet. She's extremely active when we're in the room with the tank as if she's trying to get attention, swimming loops out the front door and gliding back into the back door... climbing the walls or doing strange things like doing a 180Ã"šÃ‚° somersault pausing on her back, then quickly doing a half-roll and darting back into her den with blinding speed.

Just before the lights went off tonight she was closing the doors with rock rubble, then grabbed a golf-ball sized rock and swam with it right into the den!!! It's amazing how strong they are. If you're getting one, you'll see. :)

