Why do people still dose Mag and Strontium whilst using CA Reactor?

Dont know. I use to use add magnesium to keep it at 1200ppm but it has never gone below 1300ppm with my reactor. I have never measured strontium, but assume the dissolving media, which is calcium based, would be adding it also.
Doug, I was wondering what kind of media you use in your ca reactor?
Mushroom, It seems my kaoralin reactor w/ Koralith meadia does not keep up levels of stront & Mag. Why I dont know? Maybe bad media? Later Jeff
I don't dose strontium now because I am having calcium problems, but I did. I started dosing strontium because after 16 months my reef had little coralline algae growing.

I started dosing in 8/2002


Here is my tank 10/2002 after two months of strontium additions.

mushy ;)

most media's dont contain a lot - if at all - for magnesium just chuck in a few handfulls of dolimite in the reactor if u want.

jb ny,

big difference there:eek2: - how often do u add it?

Jeff Littlefield said:
Doug, I was wondering what kind of media you use in your ca reactor?
Mushroom, It seems my kaoralin reactor w/ Koralith meadia does not keep up levels of stront & Mag. Why I dont know? Maybe bad media? Later Jeff

Jeff, I use the ARM media in a large single stage. When I ran a duel, I used ARM in the main body and crushed coral in the other.
Out of curiosity, those of you guys running reactors....what else do you dose other than strontium and magnesium? Iron, Iodine, etc.?
I used to test for strontium, using the seachem test kit, it was always between 10-12. Eventually I stopped testing.

I also dose Iron every day or two, 1/4 tsp.
Wow JB NY,

That is some amazing coralline explosion you have there! I just might have to start dosing strontium. :D I've been hesitant because some people claim that strontium is unnecessary, while others claim better growth of their SPS and coralline with strontium. Some experts are debating whether SPS uses strontium or are they just depositing it because it is toxic to them. It's quite controversial. Elevated strontium is also considered a toxic risk to all of the inhabitants in your tank, so for all those reading this thread and want their coralline to spread - always use a test kit and just don't dump in the strontium.

Darn those strontium test kits are expensive though!!! Hehe. What supplement did you use JB?

I had been using Kent Marine Super Strontium & Molybdenum. After I ran out I switched to ESV's Strontium Chloride Solution. But I had much better results with the Kent's, so I may be switching back. Yeah those kits are expensive. I read the debates and most of the users of strontium were basically like ,use it for a while and you be the judge. So that's what I did. I felt it prudent to test if I was going to dose, and my strontium levels were never high in any tests. I was using the seachem test. If you think the test is expensive, the test itself is a royal pain in the...it take like 20 minutes using all kinds of different chemicals and you even get these rubber glove to wear because one of the chemicals can cause serious problems if it comes in contact with your skin.
I have a Calcium reactor with carbon dioxide (Co2) and i never bother with strontium and magnesium but i do add Iodine:rollface:
Buddy :fish1:

We all have calcium reactors and drip kalk as well. ;)

Some things just need extra attention when the impact can be seen in pictures posted by JB NY. I had to pick my jaw off the ground when I saw the two month change. Although the test kit is quite expensive and a PITA to use, it looks like I will have to invest in this little element...the results speak for itself. Plus, I want to see its impact on SPS. Currently, I'm supplementing with iodine and an aspartic acid additive. My coralline does not cover my back wall, so I just might give this a try. I have zero phosphates and my calcium/alk are 430+/12+.

However, toxic components in the test kit that requires gloves seems quite dangerous. :D

"Back up, boys and girls, this test kit is best left up to the professional! (snaps glove)" :lol:

:eek1: OOPS!! I forgot to mention that i use Kalkwasser (calcium hydroxide) as well in my reservoir.
Buddy :fish1:
While my Sr levels never seem to stray from the recommended range, I can't say the same for Mg.

I am using a dual stage Ca reactor with a chamber of Korallith and one of the ARM media. On top of this I still add a couple of handfuls of dolomite for an Mg boost with every refill. With all that you would think I have Mg covered....not. I still find myself using some MgCl2 on occasion to keep my levels at 1300.

Go figure.

You get gloves with that Sr kit now Joe? (Salifert)
JB NY said:
I had been using Kent Marine Super Strontium & Molybdenum. After I ran out I switched to ESV's Strontium Chloride Solution. But I had much better results with the Kent's, so I may be switching back.

Does that not suggest it may have something to do with the Molybdenum?