why don't my mushrroms do good in my tank?


New member
i have a few different kinds of mushrooms in different placements on the tank. The only ones that are doing good are the ones on the top. The rest are never open. My other corals are doing great though (xenia, colt, monti, GSP, hammer, trumpet, zoos).

what do you guys think could be? any nutrient mising maybe? flow? light? my water parameters are stable. Temp 80F, PH 8.2, Calcium 450, Amonia, Nitrate and NItrite undetectable. Alk within normal range.

Did you happen to mention the type of lighting you are using? Maybe thats why Corallimorpharians aren't doing WELL in your tank?
looks like temp to me..my mushies stay at like 74 to 76 ...i started mine off with PCs in 75g..

the only mushrooms that are doing good are on a high flow / strong light position....

The other ones are on a place with low flow and towards the bottom of the tank....
My shrooms do fine at 80. I dont think temp of 80 is a problem as long as its not swinging 5-6 degrees a day.

How long have the shrooms been in the tank?
around 6 or 7 months. I also got some frmo abengochea which were doing fine for a few days until they closed up.