Why Is My Overflow Flushing???? HELP!!


New member
I have the standard AGA overflow with the durso kit and for some reason it is flushing. About every few mins I hear a flush sound. Now this would not be a major deal accept for the fact that my skimmer runs off of my drain. When this happens it sends a surge of water into the skimmer and it pushes super wet foam up and over the riser making it run very wet. This never seemed to happen before, but over the last couple months it has started to really annoy me. I first thought it was algae growing in the overflow box or something but that doesnt seem to be the problem.

Any ideas??????
My best guess would be not enough flow in your return. Especially when your skimmer is plumbed to your drain you'd definitely want to maximize return to feed enough water into the skimmer. I'm willing to bet on it that there are a bunch of bubbles traveling into your skimmer @ all time.
Hmmm, so you are saying that my return pump is going too slow???? I wonder if I have some cheato lodged in my return pipe somewhere....I did think I noticed a bit of loss in my return pressure but figured it was just me.
I'm not familiar with these overflow but it's flushing because it is starting a siphon. The only times I've seen this happen is when it cant drain fast enough so the overflow fills until it starts to siphon.
Do you have a gate valve on your drain anywhere? I have a durso and I don't have any flushing problems. What size pvc did you use?
I figured it out...the problem was I had some salt creep in the air hole on the top of the durso. I stuck a toothpick in there and I fealt the salt break off and then the water in the overflow box rose immediatly. It was letting air through, just not enough to stop it from starting the siphon very slowly. Glad I got that figured out. That was really starting to annoy me and screwing my skimmer up as well.
haha, that's unbelievable. We took something so simple and went to the most extreme solutions. Really proves that sometime back to basics is good. :) I have a mental image of you jumping up and down when u figured it was just a simple matter. LOL