Will saltwater eat through my paint


New member

I have a 95gallon tank upstairs in the Den of my house. Very Nice house w/ a beatiful tank in it. NOw i noticed that on the walls some salt is starting to stick to it.

I am worried about this and therefore I know have a glass canopy on the tank.

Is having a glass canopy going to affect my reef tank.

I would love to put a hood, however I have a wave tank and It would have to be custom built. Thanks in advance.
Having a glass top has advantages and dissadvatages. It will help cut down on evaporation and will help keep the tank warm in the winter. In the summer, it can make the tank too warm. It also decreases the area for gas exchange. Glass is also susceptible salt creep, which could change the wavelength of the incoming light.
You could add an enclosed hood with fans. Maybe one with a few barriers but not enclosed would do the job, too.

I haven't seen salt buildup damage the paint in my fish room, but I wouldn't guarantee that it can't happen. A latex paint might be an issue over time.