would a dersa do ok in this set up???


Premium Member
Hello everyone I want to get a dersa clam but not sure if my lighting is enough to support one.
I have 4 96 watt pc bulbs two 10K day and two actinic.
They are very close to the surface like 4 inches and my tank is only 18inches deep plus the 4 inch sand bed so the clam would only be about 14-15 inches away from the light source.I want the clam to be in the sand bed is that an ok place for a dersa?
A quote from Daniel Knop's book, Giant Clams, Chapter 6. Keeping Clams in the Aquarium, subsection Illumination (p. 131)...
I recommend metal halide "TS" lamps of 250 Watt (Osram TS 250W/D) and tube shaped lamps with the socket E 27 or E40 (Osram T 250W/D)...250 Watt are used for tanks 60cm high, 400 Watt with tanks of 80 cm, and 1000 Watt with tanks of 100 cm water column.
Knopps clam book is a great read.....

A derasa will do ok in there. Shouldn't be a problem under the PC's. They will do better under halides but they are considered a lower light clam. I would supplement with some DT's Phyto as it will compensate for lower light levels....

In my experience the clam will lose it's coloration under low intensity lighting. I've seen them first turn brown, then fade to a pale cream color. I'd recommend stepping up to more intense lighting before trying any Tridacnid.