WTB Current SunPod 20" 150w

Thanks for the offer Fishnugget. But, I have something similar now, and I want to upgrade to atleast 150w halides.
no problem...i'm supposed to be doing homework, but instead i'm searching the internet looking up info on stuff. LOL
they have it at petsolutions new for 229 w/ free shipping.

im willing to pay 100 for a used one.
i figure 100 + 50 for a new bulb = 150

or 150 w/ a new bulb.

do you think this is too much to ask?
should i just buy new?
i think thats fair...pm your offer to the guy selling it in the for sale section. i've got dual 175 if you're interested, but probably not.
id take your dual 175 if i could.
god knows i want atleast a 75 gal.
but im stuck w/ nanos for now, simple because i have no space :(
$100 is a great price for that fixture, $150 with a new bulb is great too. I wanted that one, but a Coralife Aqualight Pro clip-on light came around about a year ago, so I picked that up and put it on my nano. It sucks. I would totally go for the sunpod.