I love you all! And you all know I can be very charitable. I was just trying to help Chris out. I hate to see people buy expensive corals then put them in their tank and watch them die. Nothing turns people away from this hobby more. So I gave him a few browned out ugly corals just to see if his tank could keep them alive. Something tells me he catches on quick and might show us colored stick in 90 days! That's what brings me joy! Because I sell at frag swap (hope to see you at the fmas one coming up) I am labeled commercial and can't sell on Rc. I have not studied the rules closely but I may have stepped on the grey line just by offering free frags? I still like Rc and all my friends here, so please don't ask me for frags here. We can still communicate and play here, but I want to respect Rc rules and not bring more problems upon myself. Hope this clears my quilty conscious