wtb zoas in miami


New member
hey guys, i'm looking to buy some neat zoas. i have some orange ones and an eagle eye polyp but i'm looking for some really colorful and/or neat ones to buy. i only have a 12g with 48 watts of PC. anyone? i hope this is the right place to post this

I have these if you are interested. They spread like crazy. The picture came out a little dark though.

ha! clockwurk beat me to it...but yeah he *clockwurk* has some nice stuff and FAIR pricing also GOOD LUCK
thank you, i PMed you back. unfortunately i only have one eagle eye polyp and it's looking like i'm about to have another one. i know, it's pathetic, but i'm just starting up the nano again and hope to just build a zoa garden since as i said i'm workin with 48 watts of PC.