WTT halides for T-5


Premium Member
I know there are a TON of lurkers that roam around here, so I want to throw this out there.

I'm wanting to trade even up my 500w halide system for a 4 or 6 bulb t-5 system. I'm moving off base within the month and needing to get rid of them.

I love the system, love the shimmer it puts ovetop of the reef, my corals LOVE the light, but I wont love the bill it will bring me off-base.

My system will include:
2) 250w ice-cap ballasts
2) 250w bulbs (which will needed to be replaced soon)
2) ice-cap reflectors
all wiring


Anyone interested in trading? Dana? MPS moves quick! Anyone else in mainland... ANYONE!

If no one wants to trade, its for sale. All I need is enough for a 4 or 6 bulb retro or fixture T-5 system.
Jeff, are you still interested in trading? I will bring them over this weekend...or ****, even tonight!
So the T-5's are up in the tank, for sure not halides, but they will work. I think the coral will adjust to them, and the fish are wondering if its a cloudy day. I think im going to put the 175w halide I have in there as well, and see if that helps. I knew they wouldn't be as bright, but its a night and day difference. Going to take some getting used to...
Yeah, the halides are on the clam tank and I was thinking the same thing. Gotta get used to it. The halides are bright but they don't provide the even coverage that T-5's do. I do like the color the 14000K puts out.
My corals are all responding well, im going to throw that other halide with the 20k bulb in this evening.
Its in there now. Man, its a 100% difference. Im starting to adjust to it though. My coral is doing great though with it.
Here she is today, with the T5's and one halide.

Here she is with the 500w of halide sitting on top, back in Sept


My coral though is doing awsome. That could also be from more than 700ppm of calcium though. :p
Well, Got the denki (electricity)bill today. Running the halides only costs me $25 more to run so it's not as bad as I thought. A full month should only be maybe $30 -$35.
With all that savings you should buy something nice for Frank! 2 HM lights and reflectors with Ice cap ballast for two 36" 2 bulb Coral Vue T5 lights. One of those ballast cost the same as all the T5s. OUCH!
I did take the short end of the stick....but im gonna re-do it all anyways. Just gonna take a little bit. I went from 12hrs of 500w of light to 8 hours of t-5 and 3 hours of 175w halide. Tanks doing great though, coral couldnt be happier.
What are you talking about savings??? I pay more now but it is to be expected. I am just scared at the size of the chiller that will be needed to keep the tank cool during the summer... The color more than makes up for it though.