Xenia - can it sting? Be stung?

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Premium Member
I have some "Thin Bar" Xenia (not sure if that's a common name or not - that's what Jeff's Exotic Fish sellls it as) positioned next to a green carpet anemone. It's a close fit and I'm worried the anemone may come in contact with the Xenia from time to time. Xenia can be zapped pretty bad by this anemone, correct? (I know the carpet anemone has a particularily potent sting -- just wanted to check to make sure the Xenia needs to be moved since it's going to be difficult to move).

By the way, is there ANY type of Xenia that can sting other soft corals/ hard corals?
I have some silver-tip xenia that constantly brushes up against a blue-tip staghorn and there are never any problems. During the day the xenia is pulsing and during the evening the stag extends its polyps.

You are correct about the Carpet. A wandering carpet can cause a lot of damage even to the most hardy corals. Just to be safe I would probably find a way to move the xenia.

so far, my xenia has only grown into my bubble coral. the bubble coral more than stood it's ground, killing back every stalk of xenia that it has come in contact with. the bubble coral still extends fully, if not more now that the xenia is growing nearby. as far as other softies go, i'm not to sure. xenia does contain nemotocysts, so logic would say that it can and will injure corals unable to defend themselves.



I have a rock that I had put a colt cutting on a few months ago. The xenia elongata that I have took over the rock, but the colt is still doing fine. They seem to be getting along great. The reason I say this is becuase I had a hydnophora fall on the colt and it definately stung it and did some dammage (the tissue turned florescent green and the polyps fell off where it was touching) but it entangles with the xenia daily, and the colt is still growing and doing well.

I would make the assumption that some will do fine with it...perhaps softies dont bother it and it doesnt bother them.

I am not surprised at henry's discovery, I have seen too many thinks killed by bubbles. They are pretty viscous ;)


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