Yellow Head Jawfish


In Memoriam
I read the article 'Lets Jaw about Jawfish' on I was wondering it you could help me sex my yellow heads. They look the same and both have the two black dots under their lip. They have seperate burrows. The other day, the bigger one when into the others burrow and they started to fight a bit, now the smaller one has found a new burrow. The jawfish are happy and shoe themselves 90% of the time but I just cant sex them!
I woke up this morning to find them side by side in a new burrow!
Their not fighting and their both looking at me!

They've been like this for hours!

Is this the sign of a pair?
hcs3 said:
black dots are males. also, pairs will share burrows.



Yes it's me again with those boring jawfish questions, but I've only got 1 more!;)

OK, now I'am confused! :( It seems they both have black dots and share a burrow, are they gay? Although they currently have separate burrows they are 3 inches apart!

Now heres the question I need an answer for. I want to breed jawfish, will swapping a male for a female at the lfs be sucsessful if the new one has no BLACK dots???

Do I leave both males in and introduce a female or will that lead to world war 3?

The reason why I'am asking you is because my lfs don't know there a**es from their elbows and kept 15 jawfish in a 20 inch tank!

They share a 120gal system with coral and 3 small fish.

Your thoughts please everyone! :rollface: