Yellow Longnose and clams???

I assume you are reffering to Forcipiger flavissimus or F. longirostris?
If so, they are generally safe with clams as they feed almost exclusively on polychaetes and may feed on sponges, tunicates and very rarely on polyps.
Yes I was referring to Forcipiger flavissimus.

I always thought they were safe, but the reason I ask is that I bought a T. maxima today and put it in my reef. The longnose has gone by it several times and "sampled" it. Of course when he picks at it the clam slams shut immediately and stays that way for several minutes.

Maybe its b/c the clam is new and this behavior will pass??? I am concerned about the clam being acclimated to its new surroundings, as this certainly will not help.

But I have had a squamose in there for quite some time and he has never touched it. But again, the longnose was added after the squamosa.

Any ideas???
Certain Butterfly fish are known for their taste for bivalves. I have a Copperband Butterfly that will not let me put a clam in my tank as he will try to feed on it. He also killed and ate all of the oysters that came on my LR. I am not sure about the Longnose Butterfly, but I know that the Pearlscale Butterfly is another bivalve eater.
Chaetodon spp. and Chelmon spp. are known for their taste for bivalves. Heniochus spp. and Forcipiger spp. are not.