Yellow Yellow


New member
I use NSW, as many of you do and the sea water I use is very clear. However, the water in my tank has been somewhat yellow lately.

I'm trying to figure out why this is the case. I added mangroves recently, but I don't think this should be the problem. My skimmer got jammed for quite a bit (took me forever to figure out what part has been jammed), but I doubt this is the issue either. I doubt it's my UV sterilizer which recently got replaced by a new model (courtesy of the manufacturer).

I did, however, reduce the amount of light hours on my tank, since I read in a thread that this keeps the water more clear. It seems to have had the opposite effect since I started this. So I finally have started extending the hours back to what they used to be (extra long, which causes more algae on the glass to clean, but the water was never so yellow.)

I've read that ozonizers help yellowing. I called my LFS which sold me my tank, and asked about it. The guy who runs the store is a nice old man who talks me out of buying stuff all the time because he doesn't think I need everything. (Despite that he could be making tons more if he left me to my whims.) He says that I don't need an ozonizer and that my basic setup should be fine. Do any of you use one of these? If so, could you tell me more about your ozonizer setup?

I don't own any reactors either. Do any of you think that these are necessary?

I would love to build a closed loop one of these days as well, but I want to first see what I can do about the water.
Try some activater carbon (i like Kent Reef carbon) in a canister filter or PhosBan reactor.If you have softies like leathers and stuff like that they release some stuff that can make you water yellow.

Good luck!

P.S. if you do try carbon let it run for 2-3 day and them take it out.It can strip the good elements for you water!
My water looks yellow when the lights are off, but clear when the lights are on. Did you change bulbs or lighting recently?

Hey! You still owe me a drink since Golden Week has been long over with (It'll have to wait since I'm on summer vacation in NY!)
