to: Henry C. Schultz III
Hi Henry,
My name is Loong Fat Ho and I am an undergraduate marine biology student at Roger Williams University. I work as a project leader in RWUââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s marine ornamentals research laboratory. I am in the process of starting a new project involving the captive breeding Yellowhead Jawfish. There is very little information out there on jawfish and one of the articles published by Fresh and Marine Aquarium Magazine is very important for my project. This is the article: Young, Forrest A. 1982. The Yellowhead Jawfish: Breeding in Captivity. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine, 5:4, April 1982. I've read your article "Lets Jaw about Jawfish" and ive seen that you've cited this article. I have gone through our university's inter-library loan system and they could nopt deliver. I can't get a hold of FMA Magazine. Is there any posibility that you might still acces to this specific article? They referencing is extemly important to my research proposal, without it i can hardly substantiate any of my experiments. How can I get a hold of this article and how much will it cost? I need it as soon as possible as it is crucial to my experiment.
Thank You,
Loong Fat Ho
Hi Henry,
My name is Loong Fat Ho and I am an undergraduate marine biology student at Roger Williams University. I work as a project leader in RWUââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s marine ornamentals research laboratory. I am in the process of starting a new project involving the captive breeding Yellowhead Jawfish. There is very little information out there on jawfish and one of the articles published by Fresh and Marine Aquarium Magazine is very important for my project. This is the article: Young, Forrest A. 1982. The Yellowhead Jawfish: Breeding in Captivity. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine, 5:4, April 1982. I've read your article "Lets Jaw about Jawfish" and ive seen that you've cited this article. I have gone through our university's inter-library loan system and they could nopt deliver. I can't get a hold of FMA Magazine. Is there any posibility that you might still acces to this specific article? They referencing is extemly important to my research proposal, without it i can hardly substantiate any of my experiments. How can I get a hold of this article and how much will it cost? I need it as soon as possible as it is crucial to my experiment.
Thank You,
Loong Fat Ho