zooqi's North Central PA Frag Meeting List!


Dr. Zooqi
Premium Member
OK, what everybody is bringing?
Please post what frags you have to bring and if anybody wants a big table please let me know and I will arrange that.
Suggestions are always welcome and I will have the direction in a few weeks. My zip code is 17701 for those who want to know how far drive using mapblast, mapquest, yahoo.. etc..
I have a list of those who are coming and if you have not e-mailed me or posted in this thread or in my other thread please let me know. :)

Date Saturday May 17th 2003
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Peach acro green polyps, frags (Attached with growth over rock)

Finger leather frags (unattached) many

Capinella (unattached) many

Birds nest 2 frags.

Green acro with yellow polyps 2 frags

Purple acro with bright green polyps 2 frags

Bright green Acro (acro is yellow under 65 k) 2 frags

tri color Purple,red,brown acro 4 frags.

Red cup Coral (these below to Larry) but I have 2 frags.

Green Montiporta many

yellow\green star polyps (unattached)

Brown and gold button polyps (unattached) ?

9 types of Marco algae

I havenââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t talked to Larry, but we may have some red Cap frags.

Mysis shrimps



Bristle worms

Mini Stars

Green water (this may not be ready)
How big is the table acro?Is there a pic.I will have my 400w MH hooked up by then,they come next week.My tank is 1.5 years old.

3 or 4 colt some attached some not

many xenia attached

1 cladiella attached

couple different sarcophytons

red montipora digitata

more will be added by then.
Taking so far.

-Green Bali Slimer (2)
-Encrusting Montipora (dont know what type?) (3 so far)
-Green Star Polyps (3)
-Cabage Leathers (2)
-More of something by then i'm sure. :D

Would like to pick up.

-Any type of Acro
-Any Monti Caps
-BTA clone
-Mushrooms, any color
-Any type of Gorgonian or Sea Fan
-Feather Cauplera
A few things...

Pulsing xenia: lots

3 different Toadstool Leathers: about 8 frags (all are mounted and should be attached by the frag meeting) Although zooqi pretty much has this market cornered.

Green Sinularia: 2 so far, can cut lots more.

I should also have, GSP's, red zooanthids, clove polyps.

man i need a book i haven't heard of most of these coral guys help me out maybe some of you guys could send me some pics along with what they are

whose bringing bristle worms there bad for a tank right?unless i'm wrong

a few frags i thought about getting
i know i'd like the yellow/orange sun polyps i know they like dark
possibly a nice sized pulsing xenia(if my crashes fully)
maybe pompom xenia
are these to basic or just other only common 1's
"whose bringing bristle worms there bad for a tank right?unless i'm wrong"

Depends on who you talk too, I love them, I think they are the best clean up crew. I've had them for five year, and I have clams. they will only eat a clam if the clam is dying or ill. i have a several bristles that are a foot long and almost a think as my pinky
I can bring the following:

Encrusting Gargonian
Halimeda Plant (Halimeda opuntea) (Money Plant)
Macro Algae

I am leaving from Reading, Pa Area (Wyomissing)
I'm a Bristleworms fan and love them. They eat what fish leave behind and any food waste in the tank.

I love to have them in my tank but not as much as Hemmie has in his tank.
whats a bristle worm look like away i have some worm like creatures in my tank growing in the live rock. and i've got something that looks like a millapeede that crawls on the back of my tank at night.
I will have much chaetomorpha algae
some asorted Caulerpas
a couple gorgonians..."nobby fingers"
asorted zoos & palyanthoas
"Red Sea" xenia

I am interested in shrooms, zoos & Euphyllia & caulistrea frags

Looking forward to meeting you North Central guys.
im kinda new at this..a.re these trade only? i would much rather buy from some local people who dont take from the ocean... same goes for macro algae im in need for my refugium well thanx for any input:strooper:
macroalgae is used for nutrient export
check flam angel's tank of the mounth to have an idea..
flame angel
We use good macroalge in the fish tank. You don't want to have them in the main tank because some fish like Tangs will eat it and put the nutrient back in the tank.

Also check this thread

This is the best page explaining about
Reef Refugium
My setup is fairly new, so I don't have very much. I do have one corallimorph. My problem is both corallimorphs are attached to the same rock. I need some advice how to move one...

I'm interested in live sand, any LPSs, mini stars, Chaetomorpha sp. macro (or other non-Caulerpa macro). Oh, and copepods and mysis shrimp (bugs are good).
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clams from holeinone1972

clams from holeinone1972

holeinone1972: Are you and other guys coming to this meeting? I got an e-mail that somebody is looking for clams and I told them that you are attending the meeting and if they contacted you then you can bring it with you and they can save on shipping and will have it in the tank the same day. Rob (holeinone1972) is RC sponsor and he has very nice clams so for those who are coming want to get good clams and save on shipping, should contact Rob and also check the website

Rob: I will have a table ready just for you. Do you think you can do that if there are some who might be interested ?

Mad-Drama : I like to trade you something for your Stomitellaââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s.
Pending that I make it up I will likely have the following with me:

Chocolate colored with blue tip staghorn acropora
Tan with blue tip staghorn
teal staghorn
Borneman strain montipora digitata (You PA guys may have encountered this weed already, I spread it through some of the philly channels). A great fast growing bullet proof digitata.
Borneman strain brown fuzzy pavona
larry jackson purple tip
tri-color acropora
lime green with pink polyp acropora.
1-3 types of plating montipora (capricornis like) different colors.
Whatever polyps I rip out of the nano tank (have yellow polyps, pink centered polyps, red mushrooms, and green speckeld mushrooms).

Likely some frags from other members who can't make it but need to trim :)

Re: clams from holeinone1972

Re: clams from holeinone1972

zooqi said:
holeinone1972: Are you and other guys coming to this meeting? I got an e-mail that somebody is looking for clams and I told them that you are attending the meeting and if they contacted you then you can bring it with you and they can save on shipping and will have it in the tank the same day. Rob (holeinone1972) is RC sponsor and he has very nice clams so for those who are coming want to get good clams and save on shipping, should contact Rob and also check the website

Rob: I will have a table ready just for you. Do you think you can do that if there are some who might be interested ?

Yes I am pretty sure I will be there. I am in the midst of setting up a new 4ft x 6ft tank, so life has been ceazy. Not to mention Taylor now 6.5 months is crawling everywhere.
