1 large tank or 2 Smaller Tanks

Goldleaf Reef

New member
I have room for a tank 96 inches long, 40 inches wide. I was thinking in your opinion would it be better to do 1 Tank or 2 48 inch long tanks ? To me seems that it would be better, and possibly a litte cheaper. I could keep two completly looking reefs in the same area . Do you forsee any downsides to doing this ?
maybe electricity usage differences?

do you like 2 hondas on your driveway or one big truck?

do you want 2 ok wives or 1 super cool wife?

do you want 2 stacks of $500 or 1 big stack of $1000?

ok, I'm not helping any am I? =)
I've never seen such a 2-tank arrangement but it seems to me that it could look odd in the center where the 2 abut. If either glass pane was dirty there would be an obvious visible partition. If both panes were clean, there might be odd reflections still making a visible partition.

On the other hand, this arrangement could allow you to keep some animals that you otherwise might not keep in a full reef.
Yeah you both have pointed out All of My issues that I had originaly came up with.. But I do like the Idea of have 2 ok wives...Haveing 1 cool wife is not as cool as having 2 ok wives that are cool with you having two wives...

I was concerned about the seams in the middle also, where they abut. I have been tossing this idea around for a while and I am finally ready to buy. I figure the cost's would be only a fraction difffrence to run them both . I can get 2 48 inch tanks for 2200 and the 1 96 inch tank will cost over 3300 and be heavy as heck to move.

id personally get the 2 48" tanks. in one you could keep your rare corals and reef safe fish in the other you could keep some questionable fish and corals that you have grown out from the other. you could also hook them up to the same sump to help cut down cost as well
I had a similar thought. The one hang up of mine is if one of the corners should leak where the two tanks meet. That would be a major problem try to get to the leak if it is low. I like to be able to get to all four corners of my tanks just in case. You may want to space them if you can to get in between them in case of an emergency.
I would go with the one big one. Lots of tangs like at least 6 feet in length to swim. I think the big fish always look cool in a nice big reef.
I had this same problems a little while ago and i played with it a long time. I ended up have a two tanks one Fresh water planted tank and a reef sitting next to it. It's really cool because I get best of both worlds-just me though
2 tank will take more time to maintant than 1. You can do 1 big tank and 1 small frag tank next to it to store your frag.

Thanks I appreciate the Input. But I am still Stuck...

Ycnibrc.. I like that set up Mine will be similar... what's the dimensions on that ?

Giga will you post a pic so I can get an idea of what it looks like
well what would you do if you had two tanks?

If its just a question of having different kinds of corals, then get the one 8' tank and have two islands of rock.

If you want different kinds of fish, then I would consider exactly what fish you want and let that be your deciding factor.

Personally i would say go with one tank, just makes everything easier.