10 ft x 24 x 32 tank

steve the plumb

In Memoriam
I will more than likely buy this size tank.I am not sure if I should drill it for a closed loop.I have heard great things and it would be nice to drill the tank but I am worried about weakening the tank.I have to pick up the tank and bring it to my house then the guy has to come here to drill it.It may be more simple to just use overflows and leave the tank intact.Whats your opinion.Thanks.I don't know the thickness but I did see there 6 ft tank and it was well made with 1/2 inch glass with a solid trim.
Does any one have a thought.Should I drill the tank.I wanted an opinion from those who had there tanks drilled.I see everyone (almost) drills there tanks.My last 150 wasn't drilled and I hated the overflows outside the tank.I do think drilling makes it look cleaner but somepeople have told me the tank weakens and they wouldn't do it.I have also heard using a large pump for a closed loop adds to much heat and to much wattage.I still think drilling is a better and cleaner way to go but I was wondering if people have had any leaks after a certain point in time.Thanks
I'll give you what I did. I recently purchased a 420 gallon (96"L x 36"W x 28"H). I drilled two 2" drains through the back glass plus six 3/4" circular loop holes. I'm not sure on your size tank with 1/2" glass if you could do the same or not. I'm no engineer, but I will tell you what they did on mine. All glass is 3/4" thick and the back glass (with all the holes) was also tempered. The tank is eurobraced with a 4 1/2" piece of 1/2" glass as well. My guess is that if the tank is sound enough to hold water a few holes SHOULD be ok. Like I said I'm no engineer, but with a tank that long I'm suprised that the glass isn't 3/4".
Thanks for the info.The glass is thicker than 1/2 inch I have to see how thick.The problem is the tank is from china and lfs guy hasn't been dealing with this company to long.he isn't going to warrenty the tank so I am not sure if I should buy it.Its a big gamble.The 6 ft tanks he has in stock look well built.He sold his 8 ft and as for the 10 ft he has to order it so it will take some time.I am a little sceptical as far as tanks built in china.