100 gallon SPS


Can I keep most SPS with my current set up or will I need to add additional things?? Look at my signature for my set up.
I don't see water or live rock anywhere in your signature; I definitely recommend the two. =D

(Looks good to me)
I don't know the gph of a dart, but you may need more flow, or will once sps start growing in.
looks good you may want a calcium reactor eventually or a controller they make life soo much easier almost like cruise controll for your tank. But those are just convieniences.
i prefer the aquacontroller jr, so I suggest you look at that; I really like it. And a ca reactor isn't a must, but some sort of ca/alk supplementation is. I use the three part supplement and kalk, prefering not to bring my ph down with co2
If it's been setup a little while and you are confident get you a monti or a couple nice, but maybe cheap acro frags and give them a shot. Looks like your system is good to me. CA/Alk Is a very important so keep them as constant as possible.

This is my suggestion. Buy yourself some nice test kits. Your lighting is fine right now. Ph monitor or controller Reefkeeper or Aquacontroller Jr is fine.

Calcium reactors are not necessary in my opinion at this stage. One can always supplement with B-ionic 2 part or home-made 2 part.

Before you go headlong into this - see if you like it first before you start spending the money on all the doodads that everyone will tell/advise you to get.