My main saltwater tank is for sale.
120 gallon Aquaeon drilled 48x24x24 aquarium.
30 gallon sump with two dividers
3 AI Sol blue LED fixtures
Reef Angel Aquarium controller includes:
auto topoff function
top off pump
3 dosing pumps
2 ph units
16 controllable power outlets
wifi unit
much more
2 Tunze 6055 controllable pumps
1 Tunze Wavemaker with controller
1 1/4 JBJ Artica chiller
1 Eheim return pump
1 recirculating biopellet reactor
1 TLF GFO reactor w/pump
1 Reef Dynamics INS180 protein skimmer(OMg!!)
Sailfin Tang
Vlamingi Tang
Regal Blue Tang
2 Cinnamon Clownfish
Purple firefish
Yellow watchman goby paired with pistol shrimp
2 Anthias
Midas blenny
Black and White Clown(my first saltwater fish)
Solar Wrasse
Scissortail Goby
Torch coral
Various Acropora see pictures
Various Capricornis
Various Montipora Digitata
Blue Green Ricordia
Green Star Polyps
Green Trumpet coral
Purple Acan
I've collected corals from various sources over the years so I apologize for not knowing all of the names.
Total system priced to sell at. $1,500.00.
120 gallon Aquaeon drilled 48x24x24 aquarium.
30 gallon sump with two dividers
3 AI Sol blue LED fixtures
Reef Angel Aquarium controller includes:
auto topoff function
top off pump
3 dosing pumps
2 ph units
16 controllable power outlets
wifi unit
much more
2 Tunze 6055 controllable pumps
1 Tunze Wavemaker with controller
1 1/4 JBJ Artica chiller
1 Eheim return pump
1 recirculating biopellet reactor
1 TLF GFO reactor w/pump
1 Reef Dynamics INS180 protein skimmer(OMg!!)
Sailfin Tang
Vlamingi Tang
Regal Blue Tang
2 Cinnamon Clownfish
Purple firefish
Yellow watchman goby paired with pistol shrimp
2 Anthias
Midas blenny
Black and White Clown(my first saltwater fish)
Solar Wrasse
Scissortail Goby
Torch coral
Various Acropora see pictures
Various Capricornis
Various Montipora Digitata
Blue Green Ricordia
Green Star Polyps
Green Trumpet coral
Purple Acan
I've collected corals from various sources over the years so I apologize for not knowing all of the names.
Total system priced to sell at. $1,500.00.